Monday, September 24, 2012

West Island drug war escalates

Victim Jonathan Castilho and his fellow Diplomat capo Jonathan Klor
   A West Island gang conflict between the Streetgangsters and the Diplomats continues to escalate, as Jonathan Castilho, 29, was shot dead in a parking lot last night in Beaconsfield at Beaurepaire and Woodland.
  The Diplomats gang was recently taken down thanks to evidence from informant Xavier Lajoie, 26, who was sentenced to eight years for his misdeeds.
   Lajoie will have a new name, some cash and his education paid after his eventual release, however.

   Gang leader Jonathan Klor was sentenced to 14 years in prison Friday, as a result of Lajoie's testimony. 
Mahad Al Mustaqim - renounced gang life
   Klor and Castilho tried several times to shoot opponents dead, including a few times when he sprayed bullets at the homes of his rivals, possibly including that of alleged Streegangsters leader Eric Rosiclair.
   Klor also soured on longtime friend Mahad Al Mustaqim, who ended up shot and paralyzed for two month. Al Mustaqim has since renounced all crime and has taken to instructing youth to stay away from that life.
   Rosiclair is a name that flies under the radar. He was evicted from a $465 apartment he rented with Jenna Michaud two years ago.)
   Jonathan Klor was reportedly disappointed that some of his shootings did not get covered on the TV news.  
   Klor once persuaded his then-girlfriend Stephanie Chicoine to sleep with rival Dominique Joseph  and then had her invite the guy to her place on July 30, 2009 as an ambush. (A trick that didn't work in the Wire either when Avon Barksdale tried nailing Marlo through the same girlfriend ruse).
     Klor is only 24 (so it's not the same John Klor who was a mechanic 10 years ago that went on workers disability leave) but he has been behind bars for a few months now awaiting sentencing, and made some tiny headlines for using Facebook from within his jail cell.
   Jonathan Klor plead guilty on three charges of attempted murder and awaits sentencing.
   Klor got an early head start in crime as a member of the Dipset gang, scoring a three-year kidnapping rap at the tender age of 19, the result of a drug-burn-turned-hostage-taking on two drug dealers he committed alongside Lajoie in Anjou in Feb 2007. Klor's home on Orleans in Pierrefonds was riddled with bullets soon after his release.
Christopher Gingras, Bashar El Saad, Stephanie Chicoine
   Klor's co-accused in the more recent arrests include Christopher Gingras, 22, Bashar El Saad, 22 and Stéphanie Chicoine, 23, busted for having cocaine and heroin and trying to lure Dominique Joseph into an ambush.
   Gingras was sentenced to nine years in prison.
    Chicoine once missed a court appearance because it was too soon after her breast enhancement surgery. She was sentenced to two years minus a day.  
   And of course that didn't end the hostilities, Jonathan Castilho's bruised body was found, shot and badly-beaten, last night in a parking lot near Woodland and the 20.
   Police have not found any suspects, at least not that they have mentioned publicly. 
   Police had been doing a relatively good job keeping a lid on this madness, but the war apparently looks set to escalate.
West Island youth study 
   The West Island has a reputation as a great place to raise kids, and indeed 34% of the 250,000 people living on that part of the island (which represents 12% of the total island population) are young people, which represents a total five percent higher than the rest of the island.
   However according to a federally-funded study from 2006, the West Island has several big problems for kids. Ste. Genevieve area had some of the island's highest dropout rates coming in at fourth  out of 50, while Ste. Anne's was 16 and Pierrefonds 16th.
   Pierrefonds and Lac St. Louis made the most calls to Youth Protection out of any part of the island.
   Youth in the area also attempt more suicide, use more alcohol and drugs than in other part of the island. Cyberbullying and street gangs are a problem.


  1. Tantastische Ted1:26 pm

    This puts to rest the prejudice that street gangs are filled with Haitians, or other supposedly suspicious minority groups.

  2. Anonymous6:30 pm

    'Poverty is the ,other of all crime' plato - was it?

  3. The way its described, they sound pretty amateurs as gangsters. Bored kids of well off families trying to be OG?

    1. Anonymous9:47 am

      Might be right..but spraying houses with ak47's gives you an idea of the type violence those individuals are capable of.

  4. Mitch *not my real name7:56 pm

    I knew Jonathan a little bit way back. I don't know what went wrong with him. He got carried away. Maybe saw scarface too many times

    Maybe took some of the drugs that he was selling.

    Thanks for the article. Hope everybody smartens up.

    1. Anonymous9:22 pm

      He made a mistake by getting involved with the wrong crowd. There's no turning back. Apparently that's what he was trying to do but all that did was get him killed.

  5. Does Jonathan Klor is white or arab?


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