Monday, January 29, 2018

Real Montreal Mafia extortion attempt caught on tape - how toughs took aim at notaries Caplans


  1. Interesting!
    Love this site!
    I let others know to take a look at it..
    ...especially former Montrealers like myself
    Love the social and cultural history of English Montreal on this site

  2. Leslie Coleman had a pinky missing on one of his hands. He's been dead ten years and was getting a poppers burrial,but for the fact that Joe DeMallo paid for it. I asked about the pinky but he was allways evasive and would make a joke to misdirect the question. He was allways polite.

  3. Was it proven in court though?. I think it's a misleading tape.

  4. He was polite the times I talked to him at my
    Hull bar but he was deadly. Big man. Could go to any bar and no manager charged him.


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