Monday, July 30, 2018

Begbugs in Montreal: all the latest news on the ongoing bloodsucking epidemic

Some info from latest edition of Bedbug Magazine.
   It's super hard to find it on newsstands and is way too costly (the feature on Bruce Lee's bedbug-inspired martial arts techniques is worth it alone tho- Chimples).
  Bedbugs were almost eradicated when humankind banned DDT. Now they're everywhere, probably inside the smartphone you're tapping all day, waiting to sneak out and up your sleeve.
   Their  massive, widespread entomological revitalization has proven a godsend for exterminators who would never deviously release bugs in a quest for colossal contract, such as the one recently issued by the big provincial library on Berri.
  Bedbugs enter homes on the wings of lovely bird perched on windowsill and countless other ways.
   They die off fast without blood to suck so quarantine used furniture in a garage for a while.
   Best way to kill bugs is by generously spreading special white powder sold at hardware stores. It's harmless to mammals but will slice a bug's guts to bits.
   Steam cleaners, heat guns and hair dryer can kill eggs.
    Hoarders and scavengers can infect a whole building or even block so shoot them on sight.
   City of Montreal public housing officials routinely punish tenants for failing to heed bedbug eradication procedures. In what appears to be a precedent Herbert Cole, 77, who was paying $450 for his government subsidized City of Montreal housing in a 81-unit elderly centre, was booted for refusing to cooperate with scheduled visits.
    Tenants were instructed with pictograms: Take bed sheets off the bed, Empty your closets, Empty all the drawers in the bedrooms, Non-fabric items can stay on top of desk/dresser, Put all your dry fabric items (clothes, bedding, etc.) in the dryer. Dry them on the hottest cycle for at least 30 minutes, If your clothes are dirty, first dry them in the dryer for 30 minutes on the hottest cycles, and then wash them, Put the items you dried inside plastic bags. Tie the bags tightly and put them on the floor, Do not use store-bought insecticides, Do not throw out your furniture, Declutter. 
   He failed to comply and was ordered out.
   One eye-catching recent case involved lawyer Mihai Cristian Samoila who, as a tenant, scored $5,000 in compesensation for himself. He was renting an apartment in Hampstead Court  from July 2011. He complained to landlord Paul Gazin about bugs but felt underwhelmed by the response. The tenant fumigated on his own nickel, or $222, and the landlord refused to refund it. (The landlord had a different version, which is not expected because prevarication - on one side of the other - is the rule in such instances).The rental board cancelled the lease and ordered the landlord to pay Samoila a solid $5,000.
  Tenants beleaguered by bugs must keep paying their rent in full and on time. Tenants routinely attempt to justify failure to pay by explaining their dissatisfaction with conditions. This never works, of course. Jose Aparacio Valbouna explained that he fell behind on payments of his rent of $728 due to bugs. The board ordered him to pay $3320. Justin Ross Morgan, similarly, was evicted and ordered to pay $2,825 on similar grounds.

Tenant Xiaokang Deng complained that landlord Bryant Shiller wasn't forthcoming about a bedbug issue secret when he rented the apartment to him for $620. The tenant moved and asked for $653 for his troubles. He hiked his demand to $6500, claiming mental stress.  Board awarded him $1,110.
Landlord Noel Riendeau was ordered to pay tenant Johanne Bonneau, who lived in the apartments around  4852 La Fontaine, The interesting thing is that Riendeau apparently spent a whopping $20,000 in various treatments for bugs since 2013 and could show the bills proving it. However he didn't have the bills proving treatment for the bedbug problem during Bonneau's time at his building - something about his accountant having them for a government audit. The tenant asked for $5,500 and got $2,700.

Chantal Brassasd rented a place from Richard Dionne for $495. He repeatedly pleaded with her not to scavenge stuff to bring inside as he had spent $2,500 for a bedbug treatment. The board ordered her out.
   Bedbugs might not be part of your life now but prepare thee, they will be one day and that fact could entail considerable legal and strategic elements.

1 comment:

  1. The nasty critters are showing up inside passenger aircraft now!



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