Sunday, April 05, 2009

How to eat for free

Really there's no shame. There's a recession. You're hungry. You've got no money or you don't want to blow your wad. You don't want to eat and run. No energy to flee.

Here's the solution: head on over to the nearest buffet restaurant and rather than go in the front door, go around back. Instead of paying to eat, you get lunch for free.

Hell bring a date. You'll prove yourself awfully resourceful and inventive.
My old place on Drummond bordered the backdoor to a Chinese buffet and those with the strength to withstand public scrutiny would often battle pigeons for a spot at the dumpster delectables. Perfectly good General Tao Chicken, steamed rice, sometimes even still hot, awaited these hungry mouths. You just had to lean over and pick it up. No waiters to tip.
Here now, is a list that someone has compiled with the best places to find food in garbage in Montreal. We believe that someone can make massive improvements on this list.
Coolopolis practices this as well. The photo shows the Coolopolis Towers kitchen intern starting the process of making sandwiches for the staff.


  1. Michael Black5:09 pm

    Abbie Hoffman got flack decades ago for printing details
    of where to get food, his being so obvious and some say
    done more for grandstanding.

    People have always done it, not just dumpsters but
    leftovers at farmer's markets, but it's not a promoted
    activity. When the Diggers cooked up free food in
    San Francisco back in 1967, they got a lot of the
    ingredients from farmer's markets. I gather the
    Black Panther free breakfast program derives from
    that free food in the park, and likely they relied
    on the same source.

    Then Abbie prints such things in a very public place,
    and either it caused competition for a finite amount
    of food, or the owners of the garbage clamped down,
    either because of the mess the newcomers left or
    because they suddenly realized it wasn't something

    Naming specific sites in public (and I realize you
    are just pointing to something someone else did) may
    seem all hip and everything, but if you were homeless
    and counted on that bakery being a great source of
    bread items, you'd be bugged too when everyone overran it.

    On the other hand, it's amazing how often you can be
    walking down the street and find mystery food just lying
    there, not garbage because it's intact and still carefully
    in the packaging. Spilled bags may account for it, but
    sometimes it seems deliberate, someone leaving food for
    others (though maybe it's not meant as a nice thing, they
    want to lure the hungry for some reason).

    Some years back, I remember seeing posters up near the
    Atwater Market, someone got into trouble for pulling
    food out of the garbage there and was somehow "banned"
    (I can't remember the exact details) and was postering
    as a response.

    Meanwhile, in alt.dumpster they live out their
    outlaw dreams by mangling names of stores where they've
    found things, in the belief that the big chains either
    read the newsgroup or run software to watch for their
    names, and then will clamp down on what's being tossed
    out. That seems more a conspiracy dream, since merely
    naming a grocery store is quite different from
    a specific location of that grocery store.

    One also has to consider a "lifestyle" versus a "life".
    Once you get to the point where there's a name for it,
    chances are good it's a chosen lifestyle rather than need.
    Some univeristy kid jumps on a bandwagon "wow, look at
    all this food going to waste, let's make it a movement",
    while the homeless may be less interested or at least
    not so vocal. Or lots of people doing it more casually,
    taking what they need and leaving the rest, while a "lifestyle"
    ignores what already existed.


  2. Anonymous8:07 am

    freeganism. look it up.

  3. John Moss1:20 am

    Good essay MB, with many truths.
    PS, Coolo...that photo(shopped) has more layers than the best filo pastry at...


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