Thursday, April 09, 2009

Monique Jerome-Forget gone

We're sorry... or sorta sorry... or sorta not so sorry to hear that Quebec's Finance Minister Monique Jerome-Forget has walked the plank. Are we the only ones to notice that she has an interesting mouth? Remind you of someone? Forget is the latest product in the ongoing stubborn refusal of Quebec Premiers to follow the old tradition of getting the token anglo into the Cabinet in the Finance post. When grilled recently in the National Assembly about the massive losses at the provincial pension fund - a hit we're all going to have to pay for in various increased user fees - Forget revealed that she didn't have the slightest clue about certain financial basics. The PQ's Legault had to explain to her the difference between a stock and a stock option, and so forth. We bumped into her at a restaurant last Friday in Chinatown, corner St. Urban and Lagauch, she was munching in a dual couple affair and lemme tell youze the two men at the tables, the presumed hubbies were older than the Canadian Shield. We're talking serious geriatrics. So you can accuse this woman of being many things but a cougar apparently she is not.


  1. There hasn't been an anglo Finance Minister since James Mathewson in 1939...I think you mean that the tokens are named to REVENUE, a la Lawrence Bergman, although it was more prevalent in the 50s and 60s with Paul Earl, Eric Kierans, J.R. Hyde, William Tetley...and a couple of half-breed anglos, Raymond Johnston and Robert Dean, thrown in for good measure.

  2. Jean Naimard1:09 am

    What’s the big deal? French Liberals are virtual englishes (they think like englishes, they walk like englishes, they quack like englishes…), so what’s the problem???

  3. Anonymous1:22 pm

    Englishes?? LOL


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