Sunday, April 05, 2009

Tamil Tiger power

Sri Lankan Tamils are some of the sweetest people on earth. Their base is around Jaffna in northern Sri Lanka, just across the water from their Tamil bretheren and sisteren in Southern Indian, around Madras. The Sri Lankan Tamils have long been fighting for independence from the Sinhalese majority even though it has ravaged their part of the world. Colombo has routed the longstanding Tamil resistance with the help of India. It doesn't help that the Tamil Tigers have been classified as a terrorist group, partly because they have had the habit of forcing people into joining their cause. These Tamils were demonstrating a couple of weeks ago at the square at the mouth of Park Extension. Shot from the car at a red light.


  1. Lol not all of us Tamils are sweet, let me assure you :)

    But yes it has been tough going for those we left behind at home. Anything we can do to bring more attention to their situation should be done, as long as no laws are being broken.

  2. Anonymous5:09 pm

    Tel Rajiv Gandhi family how sweet these people are.

  3. Hi anonymous. Where were you when Rajiv Ghandi send his troops to rape and murder the Tamils in Sri Lanka? Should there be no justice served against such atrocities?


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