Sunday, May 17, 2009

70 years ago.

This marks around the 70 th anniversary of the robbing of Napoleon Boileau. The 75 year old Frontenac street resident was walking down a staircase on Ontario Street and fell down. Another guy came to help him, and then robbed him of $2 in a nearby alley. Coolopolis was seriously considering reopening the case. Please send your information to us about this 1939 robbery if you have any, justice needs to be served.


  1. Might this be the very same Napoleon Boileau who was accused of burglary some sixty years earlier? I sense a conspiracy.

  2. Napoleon was the great-uncle (his father's uncle) of Richard Boileau, who was born about 8 years later, and who became the Editor of the Canadian Travel Press and handled PR for Bell Canada and Canadian National.


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