Sunday, May 17, 2009

Remember when Ogilvy's sold stuff?

Summer of '67. Twenty-years before they ethnically "corrected" the former department store, renamed it and ground Ye Merry Olde Hinglish off the sign at Mountain and St. Kate.


  1. "flamboyant gold finish" LOL

  2. Michael Black11:30 am

    Who bought bikes at Ogilvy's, even when it was still
    a real department store? That silhouette looks a lot
    like mine, except it came from Eaton's like every good

    Did Ogilvy's sell the Stingray 500? Surely that's the
    bike that should have been gold-plated. Who didn't
    lust after that stick shift?

    Don't forget the Space Boutique, I recall it as
    being at Simpsons, in the days leading up to the morning
    landing forty years ago. I can't remember when it
    opened up, but I know I went, it was hot so likely it
    was July 1969, to buy a "kit" of material about the
    trip to the moon. When I was there, The Fifth Dimension's
    version of "Aquarius" was playing (which come to think of,
    may have been the mood music for the boutique). It
    was on the first floor. I think, though, that "painting"
    of Armstrong, Aldwin and Collins was bought at Steinberg's,
    and not until they had actually been to the moon.


  3. Anonymous11:12 pm

    Ogilvy's, Ogilvy, Chez Ogilvy...time to get over it...

    BTW, 44$ for a bike ! You find cheaper at Walmart nowadays...

  4. Never forget.

    Thing is, the people who made that bike made a decent living.

  5. John Moss11:02 pm

    My Ogilvy 10-speed cost $77.77 back in 1972. I'm pretty sure it was red.

    BTW,MB, the enter-key is not necessary when texting on these new-fangled computers. Unless yours is an Olivetti or a Smith-Corona model.

  6. ... looks pasted in from Notepad... but hit the return key as often as you like, if it means a welcome entry like MB's, and yours, relevant-bike-buyer.

  7. John Moss5:05 pm

    Nice. Thanks.
    PS, I reread and enjoyed the MB.


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