Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sad tale of Noella Doucet

   Noella Doucet, 68, was savagely beaten and left in a coma with 600 stitches in October 2008.
   She lost her apartment while in convalescence and is now stuck in a non-wheelchair accessible basement where she requires someone to lift her every time she wants to leave her home.
   The local CLSC has failed to help her find suitable lodgings.
   Doucet, 68, was one of thousands of normal Quebec orphans illegally placed in insane asylums in their youth and who were only compensated a laughable pittance by the government - a maximum of $15,000 per head. Consider that the bureaucrats hired to administer the payments (they made sure to stretch the process out for a very long time, about one year) were paid $1,000 per day for their pencil pushing. Victims such as Doucet were given a fraction of what comparable victims of much lesser traumas were given in other provinces.
   They also failed to have their false mental records cleared and never received an official apology from the provincial government. Doucet says she never recovered from the harrowing years at the St. Julien hospital and has renounced the Catholic faith in which she was raised. The Duplessis Orphans still hope for a better deal from Justice Minister Kathleen Weil. Doucet is pictured in this recent photo posing with fellow Duplessis Orphan Survivor Clarina Duguay.

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