Saturday, May 23, 2009

Why the ink?

It's exactly seventy years ago today. Why would the average Montreal newspaper reader care about this group portrait?

Hint: The fame of maman and papa was eclipsed by others who did not make this photo session.

No takers?: You are looking at the Dionne Quintuplets' family, on a visit to Toronto (Now that's work -- Chimples) -- minus the quints, who were paying a visit to the King and Queen, then on a Royal Tour of Hawgtown on 23 May, 1939.


  1. Anonymous11:23 am

    Best I can do is that they're all gussied up for the creation of The Federal Republic of Germany on May 23, 1949. Thank you, Google.


  2. Shawn1:15 pm

    Well, I think that would be when Sgt. Pepper (centre, at rear) taught the band to play...

  3. mark sab8:35 pm

    celine dion?

  4. The more important anniversary happens next week (May 28), when the two remaining sisters turn 75.

  5. Anonymous10:33 pm

    I never realized how big a thing this was at the time until my grandmother told me she drove up from Milwaukee to go see them. Poor little girls.


  6. Anonymous4:02 pm

    I thought I had read 60 years, not 70. And honest, I was gonna say Dionne Quints, but that didn't match the head count.

    Peabody regrets his errors.


  7. Yeah the head count is what made that question work.

    And yes, we did have the wrong number of years up for a while, but the answer was first posted with regrets for the date update -- it was later cleaned up once we'd made our point and the correction stood for a day.


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