Sunday, September 16, 2012

Who killed big-hearted doorman David Roberts?

David Roberts, right, was killed
by an acquaintance May 6, 1983
David Roberts, seen here with wife Susan Kenyon, was a well-known and popular doorman at Thursday's on Crescent St. who had switched into the security business when he suddenly was popped with four bullets in the back of the head in his Cadillac - still running - on a side road near the Dorval Airport on May 6, 1983.
   Roberts, who was 32 at the time of the death, was known as a big-hearted bon vivant who had many epic parties at his home at 6082 NDG Ave and enjoyed travelling to Jamaica, a country whose lilt he had down to a tee.
   His wife Susan also worked as a barmaid across the street on Crescent and was also a kind and generous soul. When she got news of her husband's death she was said to have exploded with rage and shock and trashed a downtown police station.
   Roberts had inherited some money after his parents died so he had been able to leave the doorman business to start a company with former cop Jack McEvoy.
   The two-large framed-gentlemen were good buddies. Roberts may have had a bit of friction with him, however, concerning the company's finances. It's almost impossible to imagine that McEvoy had anything to do with the murder, however, but anything is possible.
   Roberts also had friends in the West End Gang. The gang brought a lot of hashish into Montreal in the 80s and it passed through a lot of hands before it hit the street.
   Roberts may or may not have played a small role in some deals but was not seem as been involved in any such activity at the time of his death.
   The West End Gang was not known to be seriously into murder, although Duney Ryan's bodyguard Jackie McLaughlin was known to have gone on an out-of-control killing spree before getting killed in the Maritimes.
   It might be noted, however that the gang didn't start any major manhunt or seem particularly perturbed by his death, which doesn't mean that they did it, but it doesn't mean that they didn't either.
   It was determined that Roberts was killed by someone he knew and trusted, as the shots came from the back seat as a surprise.
   Roberts' wife, who was into numerology, found certain coincidences between her husband's death and others around him but none of that appears to have been particularly meaningful. She is believed to have remarried a Jamaican guy and the case appears to have gone unsolved.

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