Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Mountain Street

Cool photo of the day taken from Colin T. Paterson's site, which has a few recollections of his growing up in Montreal before resettling on Vancouver Island.
  It's Mountain Street


  1. Erydan1:30 pm

    Crescent, looking south from St Catherine at what is now mostly parking lots.

  2. Anonymous2:38 pm

    Also, the image filename is crecent.

  3. It wasn't an official quiz anyway. I'm surprised at how shoddy that building on the right looks. You could see that back then, I think it's 1968, it was still pretty hard to find a parking spot.

  4. Anonymous3:28 pm

    That is de la montagne street. You can see Ogilvy down the street and it is a two way street.

  5. Good eye at the plate, it is Mountain. http://goo.gl/maps/ezFXs
    He called it Crescent on his site and it looks a lot like it http://goo.gl/maps/bWLFP but I wasn't fully convinced, as you couldn't really get the the right feel for the vista where Dorch should be, I was going to go look at it again...also you can see that the building on the right in the old photo is taller than the one that looks like it on Crescent. And the sign on the left in the old photo is Cafe Martin, I believe, which was right there on Mountain, east side.

  6. I stand corrected.I took the picture myself in 1968. I think if you look very carefully, you can see the entrance way to a bar called Le Drug. It had kind of an artsy chain mail thing going on over the doorway. I was in the joint a few times. It was like a wee bit of France. Fresh baguettes were stuffed with meats and cheeses at the bar and some wore trench coats and berets and had heated discussions about Quebec politics. I think the Winston Churchill Pub was down the street.

  7. Oops....there goes my credability. I knew the Winston Churchill Pub was on Crescent Street. Wasn't Le Crepe Bretaine on the corner of one of these streets?

  8. Definitely Mountain. You can see a fragment of a sign for Café Martin at the left. I don't remember this place but I recall the name from 1960s reference books, and it's listed on this interesting PDF file as at 2175 Mountain:

  9. Definitely it's Mountain Street.

    My first summer job in 1963 was at House of Flowers, which was located in a Spanish-style building to the right of Samuel Silver. It was demolished about 25 years ago, and the spot is now a small park.

    Further south on the same side was Le Drug, La Crepe Bretone, La Soupiere, Coffee Mill, Le Bistro, etc.

    Facing on the east side of the block was Cafe Martin, Belair Travel, Montreal Alouettes office, Varkony Photo, and a fur place.

    I remember that the tall building on the west side at the end of the block, corner Maisonneuve, was newly built and empty for years. Was told a very long, highly visible crack on the building wall on the lane side was the reason why.


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