If you've traveled down Bridge between Wellington and St. Patrick you might've sensed ghosts from the past lurking amid the warehouse strip.
If so, your ghost-busting meter-reading hunch was bang on, as this aerial map from somewhere around 1947-49 indicates. A rather ancient little neighbourhood, complete with shops, taverns, and lunch counters long stood on the area on streets (from left to right in the map above) de Conde, Farm St., Bridge and St. Columban.
I counted 191 doors listed in the Lovells directory from that period, most residential.
So you can assume there were maybe 300 or 350 people living there before it was demolished and replaced with warehouses.
I haven't yet researched when or why the homes were zapped, but Farm St. (the long one in the middle of the triangle) was completely removed from the map.
The only interesting news event that came up from these streets in the old newspaper files is a crazy murder on Christmas 1909, in which an incorrigible drunk named Timothy Riordan, who lived in filth and squalor with his daughters, beat 65-year-old Bridget Lecalles to death on Farm St.
It has been rightfully mentioned in the comments below that acclaimed painter Emily Coonan, part of the Beaver Hall Group, lived her whole life at 13 Farm St. dying in 1971.
Here's a list of residents of those demolished homes from 1948 as retyped from Lovells.
If you know anything about this area or the people from it, please mention it in the comments below.
Bridge Street: 604 – Steinman and M Sweet Tavern (side) 609 Hughes Philip Sr. 611 Rodgers Mrs. K wid Wm 615 Berney Miss Mary 616 Nichipowk Adam 618 Doyle Miss Marg 630 Donovan Jas 622 McCarthy Miss Mary 636 Kolovich Mrs. Annie 627 Pierson A 628 Chalifoux Rene 629 Clahane Wm 630 Huckle A 631 Arrawana Club 632 Bernie Amedee 633 Miller Jas 635 Nantel R 639 Jerome Camille 641 Fitzgerald John 647 New Bridge Garage 748 Fee Mrs Marg wid John 650 Cantin E 654 Bleau Alex 655 Tremblay Damien 657 Lecuyer Paul 659 Kelly Miss Mary Helen 661 Mell Alfred Jr. 675 McGarr Mrs. M. wid J 677 Coote W 679 Lacierno Wm 681 Thisdale Adrien
Wellington (from St Columban towards the west) 1361 Atlas Ashphalt Co. Atlas Marine Ashphalt Ltd 1363 Lemieux Omer 1365 Bulawka N 1367 Workman John 1369 Tallard Tire Repairs 1385 Yuzek Marrion 1387 Linkutis John 1389 Taylor Mrs R A wid Alf 1391 Peters Kenneth 1395 James Alb 1397 Devaney Thos 1399 Que Liquor Com (corner Bridge) 1401 Belmont Café 1403 1-Nantel Alph 2- 3-Seniuk Walter 1407 Rivard Isodore 1409 Belmont Cigar Store 1411 Entis M 1413 Paiement Mrs Eva 1415 Hamill M 1417 Paul Service 1419 Marshall Wm Geo 1421 William Gen Store 1423 Samson D 1425 Roy Tire Vulcanizing Reg’d 1427 Bourgeois H J P 1429 Picette Ferd Ovil 1431 Latulippe A 1433 Carpentier E 1435 Danis G 1437 Davison Mrs F wid John 1439 Baryluk W Farm begins 1451 Di Perno C 1453 Slattery Jas 1455 Sullivan John 1459 Gleason John 1461 Ryan H 1465 Montreal Tramways (ticket office) 1467 – 1469 Coubrough Hugh Cantell Wm 1471 Frank’s Light Lunch 1473 St Martin J 1475 Napper Wm 1477 Sullivan E 1479 Albert’s Hdwe 1481 Lesage Paul 1488 Miron Jos 1485 Desmarais Edouard 1489 Healy Bros Ltd 1491 Beigleman U 1493 Cunningham Alb 1495 Szczepanski M 1497 Lamar Co 1499 Suliap Peter 1401 Ryan’s Garage (Centre begins)
Farm St. from Wellington to St. Patrick 604 Di Perno E (side) Parisien Elzear (St. Agnes Av. Begins 616 Sparlin Mervin 617 Dancause Arm 618 Pilkington Rich 619 Wyrzkowska Mrs M wid F 620 CoubroughDavid 621 Colman Leo 622 Pomkoski Mich 623 Miraglia Dom 626 Slattery Morgan 627 Coonan Frs Jas 625 Harris Frank 632 Canada Bottle Supply Co Reg’d (warehouse) 633 Lajeunesse E 634 Leonard Mrs John 635 Collette T 636 Plouffe Euchere 638 Plouffe Jean P 639 Riverside Smeltin & Refining Works Ltd 640 Lucas Mrs H wid John 641 Anti Hydro of Can ltd 643 Standard Barrels & Drums 644 Canadian Bottle Supply Co Reg’d 643 Brickman & Co 645 Elee Temper (warehouse) 647 – 678 City Barrels 7 Drums 680 Gleason John 82 Cuttler Mrs M wid Thos 686 Pitts J 688 Mayseef Mrs Mary widP 692 Glover John 694 Fecteau A 696 Kearney P 696 Desmarais Alex 698 a Duquette Jos 700 Carriere Jos r 700a Ashford Mrs M wid Wm 702 Kearney Emmett 70 Fecteau Francis 706 Bew Mrs J wid R 708 Murphy Mrs M wid J 712 Slabansky Mike 714 Garaughty Frank 716 Garnon Charles 718 Abraham Rich 718a Lemieux Samuel 752 Cook Mrs. John 754 Znack Steve 756 Kelly Ed 758 McNeill Chas 760 Morency Alph 762 Carroll Thos 764 McLean W 796 Uzenko John
St. Columban (from Wellington to the canal) 604 Atlas Asphalt Co (side ) 612 Yakes S 614 Bourgeois Raynald 616 Volaschuk Thos 618 Charbonneau Romeo 624 Zolynski Wm 626 Jackson Fred 630 Proulx Herman 632 Mell Mrs C wid Art 636 Robson Mrs M wid A Dockrill Henry 638 Pachman A 640 Jarrett W 642 Dupuis Mrs L. wid H 648 Mercantini L 650 Frappier Alb 654 Abraham D 656 Sauve John 658 McIlwaine Frank 650 Herbert Ger
de Conde (east side listed only, as the west side was not demolished) 1207 Guilbault Romeo 6211 McIlwaine F 1215 Cewnar Ant 1215 a Plotnitsky John 1221 Niemy Omphy 1223 Garon F D 1225 Tolosko L 1231 Beaudin Roger 1233 Perreault Omer 1249 Mount Foundry Ltd 1255 Danis S. 1257 Martin Wm 1259 Jodry Emile (Richardson begins 1261 Budnik Mrs M wid Wm 1265 Walak Jos 1267 Drabeck M 1269 Segda Stan 1273 Kruk Paul 1281 Hall Geo A Cortage C. Ltd 1291 Wood Walter 1293 Vaillancourt Rol 1295 Niunka John 1297 Murray Ger 1299 Leblanc Robert 1301 Powrosnik Mrs M wid M 1335 Baryluk Ed 1337 Baryluc W
If so, your ghost-busting meter-reading hunch was bang on, as this aerial map from somewhere around 1947-49 indicates. A rather ancient little neighbourhood, complete with shops, taverns, and lunch counters long stood on the area on streets (from left to right in the map above) de Conde, Farm St., Bridge and St. Columban.
I counted 191 doors listed in the Lovells directory from that period, most residential.
So you can assume there were maybe 300 or 350 people living there before it was demolished and replaced with warehouses.
I haven't yet researched when or why the homes were zapped, but Farm St. (the long one in the middle of the triangle) was completely removed from the map.
The only interesting news event that came up from these streets in the old newspaper files is a crazy murder on Christmas 1909, in which an incorrigible drunk named Timothy Riordan, who lived in filth and squalor with his daughters, beat 65-year-old Bridget Lecalles to death on Farm St.
It has been rightfully mentioned in the comments below that acclaimed painter Emily Coonan, part of the Beaver Hall Group, lived her whole life at 13 Farm St. dying in 1971.
Here's a list of residents of those demolished homes from 1948 as retyped from Lovells.
If you know anything about this area or the people from it, please mention it in the comments below.
Bridge Street: 604 – Steinman and M Sweet Tavern (side) 609 Hughes Philip Sr. 611 Rodgers Mrs. K wid Wm 615 Berney Miss Mary 616 Nichipowk Adam 618 Doyle Miss Marg 630 Donovan Jas 622 McCarthy Miss Mary 636 Kolovich Mrs. Annie 627 Pierson A 628 Chalifoux Rene 629 Clahane Wm 630 Huckle A 631 Arrawana Club 632 Bernie Amedee 633 Miller Jas 635 Nantel R 639 Jerome Camille 641 Fitzgerald John 647 New Bridge Garage 748 Fee Mrs Marg wid John 650 Cantin E 654 Bleau Alex 655 Tremblay Damien 657 Lecuyer Paul 659 Kelly Miss Mary Helen 661 Mell Alfred Jr. 675 McGarr Mrs. M. wid J 677 Coote W 679 Lacierno Wm 681 Thisdale Adrien
The demolished homes might've looked something like these on the non-demolished side of de Conde |
Farm St. from Wellington to St. Patrick 604 Di Perno E (side) Parisien Elzear (St. Agnes Av. Begins 616 Sparlin Mervin 617 Dancause Arm 618 Pilkington Rich 619 Wyrzkowska Mrs M wid F 620 CoubroughDavid 621 Colman Leo 622 Pomkoski Mich 623 Miraglia Dom 626 Slattery Morgan 627 Coonan Frs Jas 625 Harris Frank 632 Canada Bottle Supply Co Reg’d (warehouse) 633 Lajeunesse E 634 Leonard Mrs John 635 Collette T 636 Plouffe Euchere 638 Plouffe Jean P 639 Riverside Smeltin & Refining Works Ltd 640 Lucas Mrs H wid John 641 Anti Hydro of Can ltd 643 Standard Barrels & Drums 644 Canadian Bottle Supply Co Reg’d 643 Brickman & Co 645 Elee Temper (warehouse) 647 – 678 City Barrels 7 Drums 680 Gleason John 82 Cuttler Mrs M wid Thos 686 Pitts J 688 Mayseef Mrs Mary widP 692 Glover John 694 Fecteau A 696 Kearney P 696 Desmarais Alex 698 a Duquette Jos 700 Carriere Jos r 700a Ashford Mrs M wid Wm 702 Kearney Emmett 70 Fecteau Francis 706 Bew Mrs J wid R 708 Murphy Mrs M wid J 712 Slabansky Mike 714 Garaughty Frank 716 Garnon Charles 718 Abraham Rich 718a Lemieux Samuel 752 Cook Mrs. John 754 Znack Steve 756 Kelly Ed 758 McNeill Chas 760 Morency Alph 762 Carroll Thos 764 McLean W 796 Uzenko John
St. Columban (from Wellington to the canal) 604 Atlas Asphalt Co (side ) 612 Yakes S 614 Bourgeois Raynald 616 Volaschuk Thos 618 Charbonneau Romeo 624 Zolynski Wm 626 Jackson Fred 630 Proulx Herman 632 Mell Mrs C wid Art 636 Robson Mrs M wid A Dockrill Henry 638 Pachman A 640 Jarrett W 642 Dupuis Mrs L. wid H 648 Mercantini L 650 Frappier Alb 654 Abraham D 656 Sauve John 658 McIlwaine Frank 650 Herbert Ger
de Conde (east side listed only, as the west side was not demolished) 1207 Guilbault Romeo 6211 McIlwaine F 1215 Cewnar Ant 1215 a Plotnitsky John 1221 Niemy Omphy 1223 Garon F D 1225 Tolosko L 1231 Beaudin Roger 1233 Perreault Omer 1249 Mount Foundry Ltd 1255 Danis S. 1257 Martin Wm 1259 Jodry Emile (Richardson begins 1261 Budnik Mrs M wid Wm 1265 Walak Jos 1267 Drabeck M 1269 Segda Stan 1273 Kruk Paul 1281 Hall Geo A Cortage C. Ltd 1291 Wood Walter 1293 Vaillancourt Rol 1295 Niunka John 1297 Murray Ger 1299 Leblanc Robert 1301 Powrosnik Mrs M wid M 1335 Baryluk Ed 1337 Baryluc W
Unsung painting prodigy Emily Coonan(1885-1971) lived almost her entire life on farm st. she has a few paintings in the natl gallery...here's a link to a french page that has an interesting bio:http://avantlautoroute.wordpress.com/2011/06/20/emily-coonan/
ReplyDeleteMy father and several other male south shore residenst used to stop at the Arawana club on the way home. Being a young worker at the time my mother would call me at work and ask me to stop at the club a get the "old man" home. Tom collins was his favorite drink at the place.
Note also the shipping basins that have been filled in.
ReplyDeleteRemember that the Lachine Canal industrial area was a polluted, foul-smelling, noisy, and generally unhealthy place to live for many decades until environmental laws were finally enacted.
ReplyDeleteThe majority of local residents only lived around there because it was close to their work places--the railroad, the harbour, the factories, etc.
For an eye-opening read, see this preview:
Interesting that Street View mentions Rue de la Ferme at the old intersection of Wellington/Farm.
ReplyDeleteMy father grew up in Glasgow, Scotland and from about 1953-1963 owned a flooring company called Noramic in Montreal. At one time he had an office on Crescent Street in one of the buildings that were later converted to stores and nightclubs. In the early 60s his office was in the old Fort Building on the corner of St. Catherine Street and Fort.
ReplyDeleteFor a few years (maybe 1 year) he had the exclusive contract for all the tile that went on the floors at Olgivy's. I remember seeing his workers doing their stuff on a Sunday when the store was closed and seeing the glass showcases covered by white sheets.
I think my father partially got the contract because of his Scottish heritage.
The guy he dealt with at Olgily's was a Mr. Sanctuary (spelling?)
Gerry Murray, my grandfather, owned one of them places back in the day.
ReplyDeleteMy other grandfather (Randy Murray, no one's really sure which of the Murray brothers is my grandfather but it's one of the two) also owned a place in the Glen, on Minto I believe, before the city robbed 'em of their house (the way I hear it).
Apparently grandpa Gerry was some sorta rebel rousing hooligan who was always in the newspapers... though I haven't found any mention yet of him anywhere so maybe it's just family mything.
In any case, great post!
Great post ! Love to see people keeping the Point, Griff and Village alive if only in our mind's eye. But missing in that little niche of streets is St. Agnes which consisted of about eight residences and was about 100yards long, if that. It ran off 616 Farm (west) parallel to Wellington. I also drank at the Arawana back in the sixties.
ReplyDeleteAnd for 'Ni' Minto St ran north off St Jacques and was eliminated to make room for the Decarie Expressway. If juxtaposed on a map today it would run up the middle of the expressway from St Jacques to de Maisonneuve.