Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Montreal quote of the day

Tamara de Lempicka inspired drama 

I grew up in Montreal in a middle class Jewish home where the Jamaican maid cooked the matzo ball soup. You know, practically all of Canada hates Quebec because it's French-speaking. And the province of Quebec hates Montreal because it's the only place in Quebec where any English is spoken.
The entire city of Montreal hates the suburb of Westmount because that's where the Jews and the English reside. The non-Jewish residents of Westmount can't stand the Jews, and the Jews of Westmount can't stand their children if they want to make careers in show business. So I come from a place where nobody can stand nobody. I left school at the age of 15.
-Bernie Wexler interviewed by Entertainment Today Magazine about his involvement with the Moses Znaimer-produced play Tamara, Nov. 1987.


  1. Pretty much sums up what Quebec is all about. Love it, great quote.

  2. Too true, too true (sigh...)

  3. Lauriate Roly.8:47 pm

    Far-fetched. Inaccurate. Small-minded. Pitiful comedic material at anybody’s expense. Not funny, and stuff from 1987, that’s almost ancient history by now. There is obviously some retention of these feelings, but only by hard-heads who won’t grow up and schmell the café !!
    Can’t we all move on and at least try to overlook these oblique feelings?

  4. 1987 ? Its a good attempt at humor. When you think of it, it is true that the more you zoom in, the more people find a new difference to dislike. Lots of Americans don't even know French is spoken in Quebec. Lots of Canadians don't even know English is spoken outside Montreal or think those who speak French immigrated from France yesterday. Lots of Quebecers dont even know there are Jews in Westmount (or where Westmount is).

  5. MTLaise1:02 am

    Sorry, Lauriate, and with all due respect, it ain't "ancient history". I ain't no "hard head", neither!
    I'm personally a Heinz 57, part of which, way back, could've included some Jewish.
    In which case I would be proud.
    Fact remains that even until the 1950's, those of the Hebrew faith were barred from most places.
    Sports clubs, private clubs and universities-notably McGill.
    Shell of cafe is a personal fave, bye the way.
    I would just say do not be so fast to judge,
    Lots of us get surprises when we investigate our family tree, m. Roly.
    If you still do not agree I can refer you to my best friend-older-who had no luck at McGILL., but Harvard was overjoyed to accept him.

  6. Lauriate Roly.7:05 pm

    To MTLaise: I appreciate your sensible reprimand. My comments were aimed at what I read Bernie Wexler was supposed to have said and I felt the comments were far to “stage” oriented and outdated and created purely to poke lightly shocking dark humor at the expense of many kinds of people in our city and province, and country. To me, this is no longer simple “Make Us Laugh” sort of stuff.
    On that basis my comment is more of an appeal to lay off this corny stuff. Some find it humorous. I never did and still don’t. I too am of the Heinz 57 variety and believe me I am fully aware of the terrible treatment given the Hebrew faith members during the years you refer to and even long before that time. Those are times I will not forget where many close friends, not of my faith, were treated totally unfairly and very shabbily by so many who really never allowed themselves to be openly identified.
    I accept your comments and understand your indignation and I regret when comments I make affect people rather unkindly.
    That is why I try to emphasize the feeling that we should try to put these bad situations behind us and go on as happy to be alive members of the human race.

  7. MTLaise10:57 pm

    Lauriate, clearly you are not an ignorant person. Nor unintelligent at all. I am most grateful for your explanation!
    But as someone else here has pointed out just how ignorant people can be, and I do agree. I also find the quote in the article curiously accurate, having worked for those of the Jewish faith, and living with many friends who happen to be Jewish.
    Mutt that I am, without proof, I would never qualify now to be even Anything!
    Bye the way, I meant that the "schmell" of coffee was my favourite aroma. And I certainly have totally enjoyed your posts so far, m. Roly.
    Please keep them coming.

  8. Lauriate Roly10:31 pm

    Oh Anything - you are Something - and that means Everything.
    And the schmell of coffee is divine.

  9. MTLaise12:16 am

    Dear m. Roly:
    Are you maybe the Poet Lauriate in disguise?
    Charming as ever!

  10. Lauriate Roly.11:59 am

    Not me, sorry to say. He’s from the other family who spell their name with an “e”, as in Laureate - and he’s famous; often featured at Amazon.


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