Sunday, March 31, 2013

Trans Island and Queen Mary

 Trans Island and Queen Mary, 1946, site of a future Steinberg's, photo taken from this article.


  1. This one is easy. Believe it or not, this was the chosen site before they packed it all up and moved it to the east end of the island, where now stands Montreal’s Olympic Stadium.
    (Gotcha guys - poison d’Avril - April 01, 2013)

  2. You mention Snowdon. I grew up on the enthusiastically-named Trans-Island Avenue. My guess is that the location is the north side of Queen Mary between Trans-Island and Mountain Sights.

    Zellers was built there.

  3. Great pic. Excellent find.

  4. Can you re-post the pic with the sign un-blurred, now that we have the answer.

  5. Furthermore, the apartment building to the right of the empty lot was demolished in 1964-65 and replaced by the currently-existing office block which includes a Royal Bank branch and a MacDonald's restaurant.

  6. Great finding. However, I heard this lot was "on hold" by Steinberg's for 10 years (as the war broke out, the company had to hold all constructions between 1942-1947)

    As said above, yes Zellers was there and was the first store in Quebec, and the head office was installed above for many years (the office moved in the 70s to Decarie/Isabella, then next to Vendome Metro, and finally moved to Brampton ON...)

    The current building today occupied fully by Metro is still outstanding and relevant to the supermarket boom era...


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