Monday, April 08, 2013

Corner of Montreal Way, Montreal Circle and Montreal Ave.

   Weird as this might sound, St. Paul Minnesota not only has a Montreal Ave. but it also have a Montreal Way and a Montreal Circle.
   And they all meet.
   So yeah, meet me at the corner of Montreal Circle, Montreal Way and Montreal Ave.
   All roads literally lead to Montreal.
   The reason there's a Montreal Ave in St. Paul? No idea.
   My theory, however is that there's a St. Paul Ave. in Montreal so they figgered they had to reciprocate. 

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  1. Originla on Flickr here

  2. There is a book called The Street Where You Live-A Guide to the Place Names of St.Paul - by Donald Empson. Unfortunately no name history for Montreal Ave. It did say that it was surveyed as a county road in 1861 and has had its present name since 1892.

  3. Montreal St. is a major north-south artery in Christchurch, NZ. Named in 1850.

  4. Can't resist the irony here:


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