Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday in Montreal: don't effen touch me!

  Remember when guys like this would walk around with faded jean jackets emblazoned in pen-drawn Zoso triibutes to Zep?
   Well as a sign of the times this young slob was spotted flaunting all the traditional rules of social decorum by sitting prominently in the window of a west end laundromat Sunday evening sporting a bright "don't fucking touch me" patch affixed to the back of his brown vinyl jacket with safety pin.
   I got a peek at his face and he didn't look insane: big glasses and a chubby John Belushi-esque face.
   I had a halfway notion that he was a victim of a prank and had no idea what his jacket was telling the world but I didn't care enough to ask.
Was encouraged to see that whoever it was that littered the city with those hideous industrial boxes was taking one away last night. Alas, upon further inquiry it turned out that they were only replacing it with a newer one. This demonstrates that the charity behind the eye-pollution is a slick organization that might be quite difficult to persuade to remove the urban eyesores. Hopefully that day will come soon however.

Now I'm not much of a rap guy but sometimes the little ambitious rap singer tells the story of a neighbourhood better than any other source. This guy Silky, aka Silky da Kid, is well-known in the west end, St. Raymond's specifically, for his ongoing attempts to find fame. This video is shot around the area with local kids. EDIT: I've recently heard a few things about Silky that I'm not sure are true but don't really get me thinking really great thoughts about him. 

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