Monday, April 08, 2013

Why four of five anglos live within 20 miles of Place Ville Marie

  Eighty percent of Quebec's anglophones live within a 20-mile (err. 32.18 km) radius of Place Ville Marie, according to the 1986 census.
  I do not know if this still holds true but if I could finally re-solder the USB input on Chimples' brain implant recharger I might be able to find that answer deep within census stats, as I'm otherwise busy babysitting a brooding ape.
  The four-of-five anglo radius stat would probably hold true for Peel and Ste. Catherine, the Bell Centre, Windsor Station, Chez Paree, the Queen Elizabeth Hotel or the Sun Life building.
   But would it change had we used Schwartz's deli as centre of the ring? Would we then have to say 78.8 percent of anglos live within a 20 mile range of Schwartz's?
   I guess anglos are trying to get within a reasonable range of PVM in case a secret code gets sent out over the skies through the beacon. If I remember correctly a flashing beacon means that the Duceppe/Parizeau/Dumont triumverate is raiding the armory and that it's time to flee. 


  1. Maybe the epicentre is the Sun Life building - like in William Weintraub's, "The Underdogs."

  2. Like a moth they are attracted to the bright light on top of the PVM?


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