Thursday, July 30, 2015

Quiz - why is this Montreal painting famous?


  1. I believe there are seven nude women incorporated in the picture. i seem to recall seeing this at the old Coc 'n Bull pub at Ste-Catherine and Fort.

  2. This is painful. I need to know!!

  3. No idea who he was, but heard when he , the original painter died, his jealous friend, who also was an accomplished artist, defaced the original painting by inscripting pornographic impressions over the original in such a way that to distinguish the additions, one had to carefully study the original to see the defamations. They are difficult to perceive, but if you study carefully, you will see that they are there. I found four.
    (Not a very good painting to begin with, but it has provided amusement to porno seekers).
    PS - I believe the "painter's friend" responsible for the defacements was the original artist's girl friend. Apparently she knew about that kind of stuff.
    Wow! What an "arteeste".

  4. Entitled "What's On An Old Man's Mind", this painting hung on the wall at Mother Martin's when I last saw it in the mid 1950s


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