Saturday, September 12, 2015

Good old Count de Beaujeu, local lunatic royalty

   Funny story: Count Georges de Beaujeu was, as his name suggests, from one of Montreal's finest clans.
   But he did his best to undermine that reputation by being an absolute dick.
   Beaujeu was dumped by his girlfrend Mrs. Herbert Feehan, a widow. She then got with another guy who planned to marry her.
   The jealous Beaujeu found the guy and told him all sorts of nasty things about his ex.
  The couple split in 1929 and were not on speaking terms in 1930. So the crafty Beaujeu was at the Royal Victoria Hospital and got Feehan's sister to persuade his ex to come drop by. She did and shared all sorts of information about her new relationship, love letters, names, wedding dates.
   Beaujeu then used that information to contact Feehan's new beau then told the guy unflattering stuff about Feehan.
   Feehan's fiance dumped her and so Feehan sued Beaujeu for being a big mouth tattletale.
   She asked for $5,000 but settled out of court for $1,450.
   A year earlier - 1929 that is - the Count de Beaujeu was charged with manslaughter after killing Berthe Giasson , 22, in a drunk driving affair in Outrement. He was found after the accident in a downtown nightclub.
   Then a dozen years after that - Count de Beaujeu made the news again in 1941 when he was living at a hotel on Sherbrooke Street.
   The Count de Beaujeu, then 42, was in a restaurant on St. Catherine, dressed in riding clothes but he did not have a riding crop in his hand, he was swinging a blackjack - a sort of old-fashioned tool of assault - and went around hitting other diners at the establishment.
   He was booked on drunkenness, disturbing peace and assaulting an officer.
  The Count de Beaujeu was arrested and taken for mental evaluation.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:39 pm

    Aaaaaaanddd? Come on now, what happened to the guy? And how the hell did he finance all these shenanigans? Questions need answers, Mr. Coolopolis!


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