Friday, October 30, 2015

Thedirty, where Montrealers get attacked and insulted

   Many young Montrealers - mostly women -  are being cyberbullied on a site called thedirty which allows people to post photos and insults of people they dislike.
   They make all kinds of of unkind and unproven allegations against people they target.
  More anonymous people then make comments below the original article, mocking the person's appearance or otherwise tsk-tsking or piling on more insults, or sometimes even attacking the motives of the original poster, who maintains the privileged luxury of anonymity.
   The real name of the person under attack is frequently revealed in the original missive or the subsequent comments.
   The site bills itself satire site, which has apparently made immune to lawsuit for several years at least.
   These two women, for example, are the latest to be put in the crosshairs, as someone has felt sufficiently aggrieved to post their photo as well as a lot of mean things about them, none of which are proven or supported.
   I link to it with some misgivings, as I consider them victims of cyberbullying and do not endorse any of the statements as I know nothing about them.
  I have only been made aware of this site recently and although I disapprove, I confess to finding it amusing, in the way perhaps someone looks at a train wreck.
  The women frequently are assailed for promiscuity, working in the sex trade and drug use.
   It means they're probably fun to have at parties.
   One is mocked for flashing a fistful of dollars in a photo, but her wad of bills is all of the Wilfrid Laurier five-dollar variety.
   A grand total of thirty bucks.
   Men are often accused of being thieves or fraud artists, and one is even attacked for being a cuckold, once again with little or no proof.
   Judging from the comments, the people under attack often respond to defend themselves and usually take tack of dismissing the credibility of the attacker or questioning their motives, but surely they too suffer the effects of cyberbullying which can lead to anxiety, depression and even suicide.
   Many of the people attacked are surely already suffering mental illness, as witnessed in the reports of their erratic behaviour that inspired the initial attacks, so pushing them when they are down can't be helping them out much.
   Once again, I do not endorse that site and only link to it because I disagree with its contents. 


  1. Some of the girls on that site are decent and caught in the crossfire. The others I assume are cocaine ratchets.

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  4. "the dirty" contains more truthful statements than this website. This blog is a joke that is full of so many mistakes, the best part is people take it as truth after reading it because the guy gets his info from anyone that will talk to him not to mention the lies that are printed have caused undue pain and stress to the families of some of the people that he writes about fact check the stuff this guy writes about and you will see, its mostly wrong but i guess its good entertainment for him and makes him feel important


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