Monday, May 01, 2017

Phillip Watts: Who killed the 11-year-old newspaper delivery boy on a dark winter morning 40 years ago?

 Phillip Watts, 11, put on his I Love K-Mart t-shirt, donned a jacket and boots and braved the -14C morning in the dark at 5:30 a.m. on January 7, 1977 to deliver a big stack of Montreal Gazette newspapers around his home in St. Laurent.
  Watts had been delivering newspapers for only a few weeks after taking the route over from one of his five brothers. He sought to make some money for Christmas presents and kept the route after the holidays.
   After doing his rounds, Phillip was headed for the Westbrooke Elementary School where Principal Stewart  Lough had been planning to recommend that he skip a year, as he was deemed very bright.
   Watts had delivered all but four of his papers when he was confronted near his home. Someone stabbed the boy 12 times in the neck at around 7 a.m. and fled.
   Watts died at the scene.

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   The only clue to the killer's identity was a pair of size eight shoes or boots.
   One newspaper quoted a police detective saying that the killer's footprints northwest about 400 metres until becoming indiscernible. The police report notes, however, that the footprints became impossible to follow just four houses down at 2110 Patricia, about one minute walk, or about 90 metres away.
   The killer seems to have been headed towards busy Henri Bourassa.
  Neighbour Gerard Belanger was getting ready to go to work when he spotted Watts' 4'9" blood-covered, 80-pound body, with arms crossed over chest.
  The child's boots had come off after he was dragged 15 feet to a more secluded area where he was discovered behind 2010 Patricia, about 200 feet from his own home at 2020 Connaught.
  Watts had not been sexually assaulted and had no money to rob, indeed he had two dollars in one pocket and one in the other, He had no known enemies.
   The boy's father Clive Watts, who worked at the Canadian National Railway, and his wife, the former Noreen Shirley House, were active in Protestant churches, as were their six boys and one girl.
   House had been battling cancer at the time of her son's death and she died four years later.
   Police questioned a number of suspects but all were released without charges.
   The Montreal Gazette reported on the death of its newspaper delivery boy, as did other media outlets but a TV show called The Fifth Estate interviewed the family briefly in a segment angled to accuse newspapers of glossing over subjects that might reflect badly on them.
   Montreal newspapers later abandoned the longstanding practice of allowing minors to deliver newspapers, Some claim the new policy was a direct result of the killing.
   A special coroners inquest looked into the child's death four months later, noting that the boy died of perforations to heart, lungs and carotid artery.
   But the murder was never solved.
   Sam Watts, who heads the Welcome Hall Mission, was 15 at the time of his brother's death.
   He tells Coolopolis that he and his brothers and sister (Esther, James, Stephen, Joseph and Jonathan)  never got any insight into who might have committed the grisly and inexplicable act.
   The only clue, the size eight shoes, would suggest that the killer was likely small of stature, or might even have been a minor.
   If anybody has any clues or information please contact police or write
** UDATE An anonymous person sent the follow email concerning this case. The names of the accused have been removed.

X1 intended to rob Sam and had been following him on the
paper route for some time.  Another individual, X2, had told X1
 that he had taken money from Sam previously and threatened him
if he ever told anyone there would be trouble.  X1 intended
to do the same thing, Sam had collected money from his customers
a day or two before.  That morning X1 followed Sam and cornered 
him near where he was found.  X1 got some of the money Sam had
mostly change and his chrome card puncher, used for verifying
that the customers had paid.  

X1 lives in YY and has gotten away with this
for over forty years.  He lived in the XXX apartments and
had done this sort of thing before, with X2 and an individual
named X3.  Sam said he was going to tell his brothers
that X1 and the others were bullying and taking his money.
After hearing that, X1 flew into a rage and did what he did.

This information is valid and true.  Please act on it.


  1. Are you sure this didn't happen in western NDG? The streets mentioned, Patricia and Connaught, are separated by one street, Elmhurst. That Gazette route, btw, had been mine only a few years earlier. I started doing it at 9 years old and kept it for several years. A totally shitty job, btw. But as a child I was happy to have it. Otherwise I wouldn't have had that many Beatles records to listen to.

    1. Actually these streets are also in the Ville Saint-Laurent / Bois Franc area of the city. This story takes place in that part of town and not Western N.D.G.

  2. Thanks for adding more details about this awful crime which you had previously mentioned in another section of your blog.

    Maybe it's about time we had a "Canada's Most Wanted" type TV show.

  3. I lived at 1973 Cambridge. Just across from the Watts family. I befriended Joey Watts and was around 8 when poor Phillip was murdered in ville St-Laurent. Haunts me still and I would sure like the murderer be brought to justice. RIP Phillip. Rob L.

  4. Replies
    1. why would you say a thing like that is he going to tell us

    2. I should add that someone sent me an anonymous note indicating that the person who killed this young boy was an older bully whose circle had been robbing this little guy and others. I got a name and even found a FB page for a guy now out west with kids. I can't repeat it here for obvious reasons.

    3. First name of the “bully’s please. This would be helpful.

  5. Phillip was my friend, Stephen and I were in the same class.. I remember watching the story on the news the morning before I went to school, Stephen wasnt in class and our teacher was crying. It was very difficult for me and to this day I still think about Philip. Why have they not used DNA to find out who the murderer is? They have solved murders 40 years old...they can solve this murder if they have DNA

    1. Hi Tray - I too was in Philip’s class and sat very close to his desk. The whole classroom was in shock to hear the terrible news. I agree that DNA is and can be used to reopen cases like this.

  6. I too was in Phillips class. That day is forever burned in my brain. RIP Phillip 💔


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