Wednesday, September 13, 2017

When respectables get killed: Montreal businessmen murdered over the years

21 April 1978 Roland Quintal, 49, was killed by a bomb under the seat of his Cadillac near his home at 289 2nd Ave. in Verdun. 21 April 1978.  Marcel Talon, who was best known for trying to tunnel into a bank in Old Montreal, was tried for the murder in 2005.  Talon served little time after acting as an informant.

10 April 1979 Paul Arthur Joron, 43, was found in his car trunk shot dead in a car at the parking lot in Dorval Airport. He owned Star Glass on Jean Talon and was a father of three. 

It's the craziest, funniest, scariest and most insightful book ever written about Montreal. Absolute must-reading! Kristian Gravenor's Montreal: 375 Tales of Eating, Drinking, Living and Loving, order your paper copy here now.

April 12, 1979 Liberato Lombardi, 40, Honda car dealership guy was shot dead in his car. 

Parent and Beaudoin
22 Oct. 1979 Raymonde Parent was shot dead in the elevator at her home in the Olympic Village on Oct 22, 1979. Her husband Fernand Beaudoin was shot in the same incident but survived. Beaudoin employed 168 at his Ferncraft Leather. Beaudoin had earlier flourished a gun at the office of Aetna bos Gerald Levinson after he pulled financing. He was sentenced to three months. Beaudoin then tried to sue Aetna for $25 million. The provincial government bankrolled Beaudoin's new leather business. The murder victim Raymonde was likely not at the centre of any of these storms but she ran for the Creditistes in the late 1970s.

Ralph Ordower
21 March 1980 at 6 pm. Lawyer Ralph Ordower, 44, left his office at the real estate giant Ivanhoe on the 5th floor of Alexis Nihon Plaza to get to his car in the basement lot. His killer knifed him after slashing his tires. The only hypothesis was that a real estate guy named Arthur Ross from Texas might have wanted him killed to prevent him from testifying at a complicated fraud trial but that was just hearsay from an informant.

Oct 21, 1983 Pierre Dubois, flashing a nice fat wad of cash of Canadian cash money was killed by a stripper he met in the Golden BB on Concorde in Laval. Suzie Hunt, 20, was caught and convicted to 10 years in the slammer.

 Jan. 4. 1984. Marie-Francoise Hanriat was killed in an alleyway on Bishop by a bankrupt restaurateur after she tried to take possession of his goods that she bought at auction.

19 Dec. 1984 Used car dealer Allan Wasserman 35, was shot dead while getting ouf of his car at his business on Royalmount with a machine gun.

Peter Glasheen
7 Sept. 1985  Peter Glasheen , engineer, political organizer and philanthropist was killed by smashed skull and found in his apartment on Crescent after doing some social drinking on the strip. Glasheen was an engineer at IBM and high profile political organizer, who helped Don Johnson in his Liberal party leadership campaign in 1984 and ran the youth orchestra and was active in the Society for Emotional Development for Children. Cops were perplexed and imagined it was a robbery.


8 July 1986 Pierre Marcoux, 41, bank manager for Royal Bank on Mount Royal Blvd. was blown up in his car in his apartment building in St. Lambert at 7:30 a.m. Police investigators later noted that Marcoux, who had recently divorced, had been living well above his means. Marcel Talon was convicted of the crime many years later.


  1. This is really interesting. I remember reading about some of these guys. Too bad the killers didn't know about my miserable boss in those times.

  2. Paul Joron is my grandfather. Still no idea what happened


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