Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Old school Montreal biker Bobby Chou dead at 68

  Old time biker Bobby Chou has died at 68 after battling a chronic liver problem.
   Chou did not speak a word of English when he moved to Montreal from China at age 10 but quickly became fluent, with one version having him learn the language by reading an entire dictionary.
   He was sent to Weredale boys home and Shawbridge after a period of being out of control, possibly due to his fighting those who bullied him for being different.
   Kwong Yee Robert Chou attended Monkland High School and befriended biker Mike French, who he eventually followed into the Satan's Choice motorcycle gang in 1972.
     The crew was relatively unstructured compared to later biker gangs, with most members barely scraping by on various odd jobs, welfare and petty drug dealing.
    Chou's closest friends Mike French and Brian Powers became increasingly violent and erratic with time.
   Chou's association with the two might have earned him a worse reputation than he merited. Both French and Powers were later murdered.
    Chou mastered kung fu moves, which he employed to fell at least one much-larger opponent in the form of killer John Slawvey who he confronted Chou at Herbie's Bar on Sherbrooke near Prud'homme. (Later divided into Pontos and Aeros bars).
   Chou owed Slawvey money, which led Slawey to call him over.  Chou managed to get the better of him, leaping on him before he could get up. Slawvey's girlfriend eventually ended the conflict by spraying Chou with mace.
   Chou was convicted of assault on May 25, 1977 after a fight with some Irish guys known in West End Gang circles. 
   Chou fought John O'Donnell, 19, at the Moustache bar on Closse.
   Chou asked for matches but O'Donnell didn't have any and the brawl arose.  

See also: 

   Brian Powers was also convicted in the affair which saw one man stabbed, another attacked with a bottle, costing a victim a two teeth. Mike French, who was also accused, was acquitted. Charges were dropped against Thomas C. O'Neill, Edward O'Neill and Kevin O'Brien
   Chou was no stranger to police. One time legendary war hero and Night Squad Detective Jacques Cinq-Mars introduced himself to to Chou by putting a gun to his head at the Arc (now where the PJ's bar is on St. James), begging Chou to make a move. Chou wisely complied and went off peacefully.
   Throughout this time Chou managed to father five sons and one daughter with at least two different mothers.
 Chou was savagely attacked with a beer bottle about a decade ago by an assailant who came from behind him as he was sitting at the VLTs at Montreal Jazz and Blues bar at 3383 Cavendish. Chou's throat was slashed but he survived.
   Chou had also suffered a serious workplace injury in July 2000 at his his job at Kolostat doing heating and ventilation systems.

Chou is seen at top right. Mike French at far left
and Brian Powers in centre with beard
 In his later years Chou would stroll the west end and play pickup softball games on Sundays at NDG Park, in spite of coping with a liver ailment that eventually killed him.
   He lived on St. James near Cavendish in his later years and said he didn't have a phone, as he said his girlfriend worried that it would lead him to mischief.
    Although many might recall Chou for wild biker mayhem, one close friend from the biker scene recalled Chou for his kindness, noting one episode at a funeral where Chou spent two hours singlehandedly calming a belligerent drunk who was lashing out at everybody in sight.

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  1. I had a couple of run-ins with Chu... first and most memorably in the basement of the 4424 youth center in lower Westmount. I was 17 and just back from a hitchhiking adventure to California, and I had managed to bring back some cannabis which I was trying to sell. Two strange guys asked to see it and, oblivious to the warning gestures of my friends, I took them down to the basement. They examined one bag and asked to see another. One bag disappeared. I snatched the other. It tore and spilled on the ground.
    I had no idea these two were the notorious Chu and Mike French.
    Chu grabbed me by the neck and slammed me gainst the wall. I think he punched me in the gut. Therewassome yelling and then they were gone. I stumbled upstairs, where the usual crowd in the front room told me who I was dealing with. Then somebody said, "Here they come again!" I looked out the window and there they were returning, striding across St. Catherine St.
    I was gone in a flash out the back, down the lane and into the railyard where I hid cowering in the tall grass. Nobody found me.
    I ran into Chu several times in the following years - even had an apartment above the Atwater Tavern for a while, right beside the Choice clubhouse - but he apparently didn't recognize me.

  2. Anyone know the other people in the picture?

    1. I do but if you don't know who they are?

  3. Bobby was in an after hours one night and a guy with a big scar named Doug was trying to take his eyes out with a pen and I stopped it. I caught a little flack from that but I was in control of the place and I couldent let that happen. Michael French was a suspect in the Sharon Pryon murder, I cant not mention that.

  4. Michael Scopeletti had a run in with Chew in a highrise and chew grabbed him by the eye, so Scopie hung him over the 7th floor balcony, then he realized that taking the eye with him was a loosing move, lol.

  5. Where do you get all this info from???
    Is it all reliable?
    How did you get those pictures??

  6. anyone know bill "judge" or a guy named bennie and also alain tessier? one of them is my buddies father just not sure who, just kept hearing these guys names...from the 80s

    1. I am in contact with his son Bill is in a home...

  7. Why , romanticize these criminals ? They bullied and attacked weak people , anyone who has to wear a biker gang name on their back , can't stand on their own two feet , good riddance to all of them , there is no special place in hell for these sociopaths.

  8. Weredale boys home had lots of bad boys. Some ended up at shawbridge. As one of these boys i find it interesting to see what happened to them. We were all brothers, like it or not. If some ended as bikers , for whatever reason, it is because they had no where else to go. Dont judge them now, they were products of then society. I dont condone rapists, dont get me wrong. Some of those boys were just ugly mean, i saw it first hand over stupid shit like a ping pong game one guy stomped on my friends face breaking his jaw and ruining his life. But what can you do, your just another kid watching a bully go to work. Some are forced into it, rite of passage others just enjoy hurting others. We all lived with the violence, some just didnt survive and ended up doing bad shit just for acceptance.i dont judge people anymore i just try to understand why they do bad things

  9. Well. I RESPECTED AND liked Bobby. Fuck you ALL with ANYTHING nasty to day about this MAN! R.I.P. Bobby! Thanks for the great memories!

  10. R.I.P Bobby. Thank you for the memories.

  11. Bobby and I were friend and I can say ‘street brothers’, when he first moved to Walkley street in 1957/58 we became friends and the relationship remained throughout his life. I was fortunate enough to see and speak to him the week before he passed and then spend a few hours with some of the family at the funeral reception. In the 50’s and early 60’s on Walkley ave there were a lot of veterans from the 2WW and to be Chinese, Japanese or German was a reason to be a target. We learned to street fight long before he got into martial arts. I had a friend ! Rod Jean-Louis.


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