Friday, June 19, 2020

Men died so you could ride the Montreal Metro

Construction for Montreal's metro system began in 1962. Massive amounts of digging and building and concrete pouring ensued and it didn't all work out so well for everybody.
    Here's a list of those who died. Please feel free to pass on any other information to help fill in this list

3 died at Frontenac in Sept 64
-14 May 1964 Edmond Paquin 50, was killed in cave-in. He  died in a side tunnel near St. Jospeph and Berri.

2-28 August A worker was crushed by an earth mover. 

3,4,5 11 September 1964 12:00 pm. Albert Hubert, 50, of 1613 Viau, Steve Filycsyk, 38 of 5350 35th Ave. Laval W and Roger Roy, 19, a driller, died after being taken away from the blast under Ontario Street, the future site of the Frontenac metro. Five others were injured and the tunnel suffered serious damage. Roy, when rushed to hospital told an ambulance attendant that he hit a switch box and wires fell onto the magazine, containing about 300 sticks of dynamite. Site superintendant William Allen was tossed 100 feet by the blast. Three others were recused by ropes through an air vent on Harbor Street.  A coroner studied the case and issued a report on 21 June 1965, recommending better training for dynamite handlers.

6 Claude Levasseur, 26, from St. Hilaire was killed when struck by large crane at Berri and Cherrier.  He worked for Benta Construction.

7- 17 Nov. 1964 Jean Berube, 19, of 1591 St. Denis fell to his death 30 feet from a platform at 10:00 a.m. at the Berri de Montigny site.  He worked for Dufresne Engineering. 

8-10 Dec 64 at 4:15 pm.  Mario Garignoli, 35, of 7415 Chambord St.  He and his brother Joseph, of Poulart Company, were digging a trench near De Montigny and Sanguinet when a wall collapsed on them. Mario killed instantly and brother was treated for shock and released. It took place at DeMontigny and Sanguinet.

On 17 Dec. 1964 15 workers were injured after a platform collapsed inside the Peel metro. Three suffered serious injuries. They were pouring concrete into forms in the structure between Peel and Stanley when the wood molds broke.

14 Oct 66. 5k show up to Berri for kickoff
15 April 1965 10:30 pm. -Ted Kobzan 976 11th ave Lachine and- Marcel Tessier, 28, 555 23 rd Ave Lachine suffered fractures at Berri and Viger. 

8 July 1965 10:30 a.m. Five workers suffered injuries after being hit by a loader with defective brakes at Berri and Ontario. The loader hit their platform, tossing them 40 feet downwards. Leo Paul Bourgeois, 24 of 3621 Ethel, broken arm  Roger Coulombe, 31 1075 Argyle Verdun,  Hilaire Hanley 48, 4921 Fabre broken two feet, Noel Lemieux, 22 63 Church in Verdun.  Bruises. Witness Lucielle Gobeil, 48, was treated for shock)

11 11 July 1965 Donald Dubuc, 41 of 150 St. Elzear Blvd Vimont. was driving an earth loader up an incline leading to a subway tunel at the corner of Vitre (Viger) and St. Denis. The machine overturned, crushing him.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, no one should go to work and be so injured like that. Wonder if this degree of deaths and injuries would occur today. I know they investigate a lot more work accidents to probably learn from it thru the years.


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