Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Deceased Mafioso Andrew Scoppa to blow lid off Montreal mob in new book

 Andrew Scoppa, who was killed in the West Island on 21 October 2019 after a feud with the reigning Rizzuto sect of the Montreal Mafia, is set to rock the world from the grave.     

Andrew Scoppa
 Montreal crime journalist Felix Seguin has written La Source based on extensive interviews with the now-deceased Montreal Mafia bigwig Andrew Scoppa. 

   Andrew took part in the interviews over six years in both Montreal and Europe. Andrew would also communicate with police over the years. 

  Andrew's communications started well before his final days, when he correctly believed that he was doomed.  

    "Today I am getting it. I can feel it," he would often say in the five months prior to his death, to a different acquaintance, a friend of Coolopolis.

   Andrew, aka Andrea, was killed outside a West Island gym on 21 October 2019 at the age of 55,  likely after someone in his own crew ratted him out to his rivals.

   Salvatore had been killed several months earlier as he was shot outside a hotel in Laval on 4 May 2019.

  Andrew and brother Sal Scoppa had roots in Calabria, unlike the reigning Rizzutos, who were Sicilians. 

   Andrew Scoppa first rose to prominence by establishing a crew with partner Tony Telio, from Rome. His crew grew to include Sal and and a United Nations of mobsters, including Lebanese, blacks and many Greeks. 

    Both Andrew and Sal were killers. Their rivalries with the reigning Mafia faction led their crew to to kill  Rocco Sollecito, Lorenzo Giordano, Vincenzo Falduo and Guiseppe Falduto in 2016.

  The local Mafioso was simmering with hostilities and Andrew had an intense dislike for Stefano Sollecito, who he criticized as being soft and in a position of power only due to his powerful father.

   Sal Scoppa was known as a brute and sadist. Andrew was equally violent but was considered more intelligent.  

   Their contrasting styles led to a recurring rift between the brothers, who variously collaborated and feuded. 

    Since Vito Rizzuto died of cancer on 23 December 2013 the local Mafia is said to be operated by Vito's son Leonardo Rizzuto, a lawyer, and Stefano Sollecito. Gregory Wooley, who is said to have a solid grip on Montreal's street gangs, is a close ally.

   The Rizzuto faction have been in conflict with the Scoppas since at least August 2015. The Rizzuto triumvirate was put behind bars in November 2015. 

  The Scoppas then filled the void but their reign was interrupted when Andrew was arrested in February 2017, as police grabbed 100 kilos of cocaine from his place at the Canadiens Tower above the Bell Centre.

   Following Salvatore's death, Andrew was well aware that there was a price tag on his head, so he agreed to reveal his secrets to Seguin, but only on a designated trip far away from the action in Europe. 

    Andrew is quoted in Seguin's book explaining his motives. "It's sad. You go into this life for one reason: money. You kill for your own profit. In my case, when it happened to me personally it was because I had no other choice."

     "If you sow love around you, you get love in return. But if you spill blood of others, you'll also get what's coming to you. He who lives by the sword dies by the sword. At least that's how I see it."

    The book is expected to shed light on other unsolved mysteries, such as the killing of Nick Rizzuto on Upper Lachine Boulevard on 10 Nov 2010.


  1. Wasn't Nick killed in Cartierville?

  2. The son Nick Jr was killed in St. Raymonds NDG across from Tony Magi's office.


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