Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Justice delayed is justice granted Yves Dupont, 46, of Disraeli was busted 18 January 2003 for dangerous driving and assault. He was driving back from the Adstock ski hill near Thetford Mines and found himself being chased by another car occupied by a man, woman and a child also apparently returning from a fine time at the ski hill. Dupont figured it was a crazy road rage guy so he pulled over. The pursuant identified himself as a provincial police officer who wanted to give Dupont a ticket for cutting him off. Seemed dodgy. The case went to court, was delayed, and the preliminary inquiry happened a full year later. Subsequent attempts to hold the trial were delayed because the prosecutor was later replaced, then the cop was on sick leave, a witness was unable to attend. It was delayed 13 times over 33 months until finally this spring defense lawyer Luc Oullette convinced the judge to just drop the case. Dupont is a free man.

Bomb toting French tourists strike again French tourist Daniel Peronnin visiting his son in Quebec City caused panic at the Jean Lesage airport in April. Officials asked him if he had guns and bombs in his bag. He ironically replied "yes yes." He was quickly arrested. His bags searched. He plead guilty to mischief and was forced to pay $200 in a fine to the Maison Dauphine. He returned to France a week late.

The joy of junkiedom Druggie Marc Laliberte returned from a fishing trip 8 October 2005 got totally freaken baked and beat his friend up. The next month he went to a depanneur and ordered him to empty his cash, walking off with $400. He was arrested soon after and kept behind bars until a prosecutor got a chance to tongue lash him in front of a judge, describing his drug dependency which has afflicted him since age 13. Laliberte frequently injected cocaine and also indulged in the pleasures of wife beating and criminal harassment. He has managed to stay clean for two years following an intensive therapy. This spring he was released after time served and remains on probie.

He found dealing with children a touching experience Daniel Gamache, 48, of Quebec City hung out near the Saint-Roch school and encouraged girls aged 10 to 13 to touch him. He had no priors and got bail on $1,000. He'll have to report to the local cops once a week and will be prevented from communicating with his two victims and is no longer allowed in any public place where children under 14 are present. He'll also have to go to the CLSC and visit a health professional.

Scratch lottery mania Therese Guibeault, 62, of Three Rivers Quebec plead guilty to cocaine trafficking, an activity she got into in the aims of buying more scratch lottery tickets. She'd go around to local bars to sling her 'caine as us gangstas like to put it. Ai-ight? She was busted 21 March and got 12 months to serve "in the collectivity" which means she didn't actually go to prison. She had no prior criminal record.

Calling people assholes is quite legal
Donald Levesque, who has served on city council in Matane for 20 years, laid a $60,000 lawsuit against Renee Cote, who called him an "asshole" in front of city council 8 June 2004. Cote was pissed off during a debate about a waste treatment plant proposed in Matane-sur-Mer. A judge rejected the suit earlier this year.

Can I offer you a beer ? Andre Bertrand, 52, of Laliberte street in Jonquiere was charged with armed assault after allegedly tossing a giant beer bottle into the face of police officer Denis Bouliane. Bertrand was involved in a fight with his roommate, but the cops managed to calm it down, until suddenly it flared anew and Betrand shoved Bouliane. The cop didn't fall down, but Bertrand did and got angry and threw the beer bottle which busted the cops nose and cut his face. The apartment was a bloody mess.

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