Tuesday, November 21, 2006

More crime

The fake refund scam Rita Monette, 61, of Papineauville was a cashier with 15 years service at Tigre Geant who developed a way to bag $20,000 of store cash for herself over 13 months between 2003 and 2004 - all entirely undetected ! … err.. for a while anyway. She pretended that someone came and bought cartons of cigarettes and brought them back a few hours later saying she quit smoking. She did this and other variations of the phantom reimbursement scheme, always giving the stub for the reimbursement to the boss and who refunded her cash, which went right into her dainty little purse. Video surveillance sealed her deal. She was given one month in the community and 80 hours of public service.
   Tip to the wise - don't return to bars you've been bounced outta Jason Fortier, 23, a bouncer at Pub Delzie in Quebec City kicked out a 20-year-old rowdy drunk on August 23, 2003. He led the man out efficiently and entirely by-the-book but the customer returned and Fortier was less diplomatique the second time, punching him on the side of the head and launching him down the stairs where his head smashed against the ground, causing a concussion. The vic woke two days later in the hospital, his brain not quite working the same. Fortier was tried in February 2006.
   The hooker-to-pimp transition A 19-year-old former child prostitute was charged with pimping after she admitted in court that she hooked up three to five female friends aged 14 to 16 with former clients. She claimed she was giving the girls phone numbers of her former clients thinking that they could help them, giving the girls lifts, and whatnot. She claimed that the girls had anxiously demanded the numbers for her former clients. The judge reminded her that her many contradictions and ever-changing testimony wouldn’t help her when the final gavel sounded. The 19 year old finally fessed up. The girls, like the accused pimp, lived in the l’Escale foster home in Quebec City. A probation officer who worked with the young women called them “immature, irrational, irritable, narcissistic, with the ability to manipulate others through their bodies.”

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