Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Point's most brutal bar - an exclusive report

   The Do Drop In, a now-closed neighbourhood bar at 1867 Wellington in the Point wasn't for sissies. I have obtained a government report that details the smashive-aggressive violence that went on in this hangout for hoods and thugs.
   The bar was owned by Carol Gingera,who also owns a corner store nearby on Wellington.
   She shut the bar down around Christmas 2005, but was brought onto the carpet by the booze bureaucrats February 28, 2006. 
   The Regie des Alcools Courses et Jeux (the provincial body which regulates booze, racing and gambling) wanted to decide whether the chronic misadventures inside her bar should preclude her from holding a grocery permit for her depanneur. Ultimately her depanneur license was not revoked.
   A shooting took place a block away in plain daylight on 1 April 2005. A couple of black guys came down with guns blazing, killing one young drug dealer named Alexandre Desmarais and also injuring Lawrence Cooney, aka Larry Cooney. Both shooting victims were regulars at the bar. The dead victim's goods were later placed around the bar as a memorial.
   A source close to the deceased tells me that the young victim was a nice young guy and was not the intended target of the shooting. Cooney, meanwhile, had survived a previous shooting in June 2003 in Chateauguay. Police considered it likely that another attack would occur.
   Cooney continued hanging around the Do Drop In, standing around in front, sitting inside or upstairs in the apartment. Others known-to-police, such as Richard Matticks, an aging member of the West End Gang, were regulars. Matticks - a member of the legendary clan long suspected of controlling much naughtiness at Montreal's port - would even receive phone calls on the bar telephone.
   Armed attacks - some including guns - repeatedly took place in the bar. According to the government report, the victims were almost all too scared to press charges. On 29 April 2003 a victim was beaten but refused to make an official complaint for fear of reprisal. Again 31 May, same thing, Cooney was present and possibly involved in these affairs. On 3 December 2004 a client told police he was attacked by three people and beaten with a chair and punched and kicked upon entering the Do Drop In. He had a broken leg and 2 broken ankles. He too zipped his lip. One known criminal was suspected, according to the report.
   Three people were assaulted on December 7, 2004. No complaints. The window of the bar was smashed. The manager Wesley Gingera (the owner's son) was inside working the bar. The doorman and Brandon were suspected by police in the assaults.
   Another complained of a beating on 27 Feb 2005. On 3 May 2005 police received a complaint about an aggressive pit bull roaming in the bar. The dog had killed a cat in the back yard of the establishment. No witnesses came forward to to make an official complaint about the affair, according to the report, it was due to fear of reprisal.
   On 13 May 2005 a mother told police her that cocaine-addict son, who lived upstairs from the bar, had been beaten up in the establishment two days prior. Twelve days later cops found a baseball bat concealed inside a cupboard near the entrance. Coooney allegedly threatened a passerby waiting for a taxi near the bar with a gun and then returned to the bar on August 27, 2005. Cooney faced weapons and assault charges from the incident.
   The owner Carol Gingera (who may or may not have been acting as owner in the place of another investor) - was never present when inspectors visited. The bartender, Lisha Soucy, usually worked alone. Carol's son, Wesley Gingera, managed the Do Drop In and told inspectors that he came in for about four hours a day. Gingera has criminal convictions for armed robbery and weapons charges from 1989.
   And there were drugs aplenty. Cops came on 22 April to answer a call about an armed man in the bar. Upon entering police witnessed a client rolling a joint at the pool table. The waitress, Soucy had three bags of marijuana on her. Two months later cops found 6 marijuana butts behind the bar. And in October they found several empty bags with drug residue inside the pool table and 11 bags of quarter gram were taken from someone present. Cartons of cigarettes were found out back. There were also repeated instances of unlabeled booze found on the premises.
   The report also stated lesser violations, such as the fact that prices weren't listed and the fire exit was often locked.


  1. wow... I went there a couple of times with my brother to have a drink... We heard it was rough, but had no idea it was that bad...

  2. Anonymous6:29 pm

    I was held hostage in the apt upsatirs of that bar.. tied to a chair, and guns to my head...that place was fucked.

    1. Life can be like that under some conditions, like if you don't pay a bill or do something else stupid, hmm.

  3. Anonymous3:32 pm

    Sounds like Carol Gingera's "career" has taken a nosedive....In the early 80s she was selling real estate in the Pointe...has to be the same broad, how many "Carol Gingera"s ARE there in the Pointe?

  4. Anonymous11:01 pm

    I had a friend that lived above The Do Drop In in the 80's and visited his place a few times. He showed me the "biggest ashtray in the world" which was his floor. Weird. His father ran a sausage company in the Point for years which I believe was on Centre St. near Charlevoix but they finally got out of dodge and moved to a much "nicer" neighbourhood.

    As a teen in the 80's, that bar and area never really seemed all that dangerous to me. As an adult in the 00's, I went to the bar with my girlfriend out of curiosity exactly once, had one beer and then never went back.

    Ohhh, and recently, I had one of those staring contests you mentioned in your post with a big bouncer type while the east-bound bus I was on was just driving by. Sheesh.

    I remember also that almost across from the bar was some kind of a pool joint. I think it's an auto body shop now or torn down or something. Played my first game of snooker there.

  5. Anonymous8:53 pm

    don t bulshit about nuthin you don t know get a life jp

  6. Anonymous11:55 pm

    first of all,,,there was no Do Drop in the 80s. that was the Olympic tavern. the pool room was torn down years before the bar was even there.
    second...Carol Gingera is not a "broad". I take extreme offense to this comment from someone who knows nothing about the person or her life. Who the hell are you? For the general public... pretty much every "fact" in this report is incomplete or absolutely wrong. Get the facts straight.

  7. Suzanne Accorsi7:52 pm

    Wow, I was checking this out because some friends & I, who worked on a train (The American Orient Express), had an overnight in Montreal and went to this bar. Although I don't remember much, I know we had an awesome night, danced on the bar, played some pool in the back & got up on those tables (no, we are not hookers or strippers), and pretty much paid for nothing. This was in 1996 or 1997 and everyone was super nice and friendly. Maybe it was our naivette (sp?) but although it seemed a bit rough, it didn't seem dangerous. I even have a card from the bar that the owner or bartender gave me so we could come back sometime. Sorry to hear that such problems occurred. I have a bar in New Orleans & I know that neighborhood bars can be the brunt of stuff that happens in the 'hood that has nothing to do with them. I wish Carol well & happier times.

    Suzanne Accorsi

  8. The stories an exaggeration, but, I went there one night, there was a fellow there who had just done something violent to someone elsewhere. I told B_ _ _ _ _n the situation,and that I was leaving and to be careful. I went to leave and the man blocked my path, I punched him two left hooks and he fell unconscious on the stools. B. came running over threw him on the ground, boot him a couple times, took his knife and threw him in the back. I like places like that, you come in and you know it's rough, but if your ok and play by the rules you protected better than calling the police.

  9. Carol has passed away. She was a nice lady who got caught up in a tough business and lets not forget the smear campaign. The bar in NDG called Honey Martin's was owned by a Griffin and the police report (where the Gov report gets the info) They made up so many outrageous stories that the have very vivid imaginations and are more that deceitful with the facts. Happens with most trials too.

  10. I am glad to see this helpful post. I was searching Pub Chateauguay.

  11. I was born and raised in the point, grew up right on Charon street not far from wesley. I Always found him to be a stand up kinda guy I also found thar with most people who grew up there, from the barons,ridlys, Cambridge Terry or Ron (animal) To jeff deuling or Grayson burns to name a few. I think if someone is going to post a comment about people on this site, then they should at least have grown up in the point and known the background life of these people that they speak of. Hopefully I didn't offend anyone who reads this and if I did then I apologize in advance for that.


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