Wednesday, November 15, 2006

To the Green Fields Beyond - brief theatre review

Make time to see one of the last four performances of the excellent To the Green Fields Beyond at the Chapel Theatre, 3700 St. Dump (aka Dominique) it's 8 pm every night but only a matinee Sunday, call 843-7738 with your usual dumb questions. Anyway the play is a spirited tale of a dozen World War One soldiers on the eve of what they feel will be their toughest battle. Some suggest that they somehow get lost on the way to the battle and this debate becomes the centerpiece for some excellent dialogue. The cast sparkles: Alexandra Valassis, Aaron Turner, Neil Napier, Colin lalonde, Christopher Moore, Timothy Diamond, Toma Weideman, Dustrin Ruck, Frayne McCarthy and David Potter. The script by Nick Whitby is the work of a genius and the local boys do it justice. We managed to have a quick Question and Answer session with the cast (pictured above) which was pretty neat considering they were all likely drained by quite an energetic performance. I've been highly impressed by some of the talent bubbling up this year in Montreal's English theatre world. Lots of energy and exuberance and risk taking out there, and that's nice to see.

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