Thursday, December 14, 2006

Book Launched!

This is Talleen Hacikyan at her book launch last Friday. Her new livre Postcards is a series of eight stories.She used to live behind Triangle Park on Sherbrooke in NDG. I was invited to her house for dinner about 18 years ago with a buncha others. Thanks for that. She was in the phone book under her first name. (I am so jealous of people who have good phone book listings. Chris Hand was long the last in the phone book as Zeke Zzzyzs, or something. A Montreal journalist named Boulanger told me he's listed as General Boulanger, in honour of the French general who took a run at taking over France before killing himself on his lover's grave. I did my MA on that. French politics, not people who play with their name in the phone book. I've always reckoned my quality of life would be better if I were named Billy Joe, for reasons I'll explain another time.) Talleen is a talented, well-known artist and her book was launched not in the way Gagliano's book was launched, straight into the garbage pail, but launched in a good way at the Big Library, otherwise known as a place where bored hormone-crazy youths go to toss lingering sex-starved glances at each other. Thanks to my brother JD for the photo.

1 comment:

  1. Why would you have a better life if you were named Billy Joe? Even better, Billy Jack, the martial-arts Indian from those '70s movies.


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