Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Montreal's strangest thing....

I promised yesterday that I'd share the strangest thing I've ever seen in this town.

Here 'tis.

The Marollys, a devout Catholic couple from Pakistan live in a home in the West Island full of statues which get inexplicably covered in oil all day long. The thick, clear oil descends off the figures in such quantities that they require a small drain pipe to catch the viscous fluid into a glass jug at the end of the coffee table.
Maureen Marolly and Clayton Marolly claim that the icons started "sweating" in October 1994.
The pictures on the wall bear a multitude of holy patterns that look like Jesus' face and other such things when you look closely.They have a daughter with Down's Syndrome. Mom says people report to having Holy Visions of the girl. They make miraculous recoveries from grave illness after witnessing this vision.
They welcome bus loads of visitors from the States and give away loot bags of religious pictures and vials of the special oil. They accept no donations.
There was so much oil in the air when I sat on their plastic-covered couch that after about an hour I found it difficult to grip my pen in order to take notes.
I am the only journalist to have been permitted to report at this place. Don't expect others to follow. They heartily disapproved of my article, which took a skeptical tone.
"You didn't come in faith," Mr. Marolly complained. I replied that I did indeed come in faith, a faith in science.


  1. Hello.

    I'm wondering if you would mind sending me your article-- is there a link to it?
    While I'm a Christian (not Catholic), I by no means accept this as 'true', nevertheless like you I find it very strange and would be curious to read your scientifically informed skeptical assessment.

    I actually found your blog and this article by extreme serendipity; I was searching for the cost of the the 1976 Olympic games if you can believe it! (I live in Vancouver and want to learn more about the Games here).

    Anyway if you'd kindly send me a link to your article I'd love to read it.

    -Mark Northey

  2. Oops-- I forgot to give you my email address:

    man or they [all one word] at gmail dot com.


  4. Anonymous7:43 pm

    Hello my name is Rachell Thornhill, I think that your article was sad. Making fun of the Marolly's is just sad. They are very nice and kind and knowing that you went to there house and took pictures and put them online so everyone could see how there home looks like and what you thought of it is really not nice. I've been there before and they are very nice people they care about others unlike some people who don't care about anyone. But they care they actually help other people. Ya it is a little weird what they do but the like it thas all you need to know. I know that you wouldn't like it if i come to your house take pictures and then make fun of you and what you belive in. That is sad. I thought people were better then that I guess not then.
    No Thanks
    -Rachelle Thornhill

  5. Anonymous9:09 pm

    Okay number one I am roman catholic and this is happening...still(2013. Honestly my this is my best friend's grandmother's house and myself being religious do believe this. I am 14 and as much as people want to ignore these miracles they are true. Christians are turning away from God and atheism has ruled the world. I get made fun of in school because I wear a wwjd bracelet and do not flaunt it, of course I have friends but because most of them are atheist they just will not understand. God is not science and if science could "prove" everything why can't it prove are existence on Earth. What were we one big scientific accident with no purpose on Earth? Science will never prove everything and God, will lead you somewhere and give you a naturally positive mindset. As much as you want to criticize Christians (like me, not all Christians are like me) I bet you haven't even gone to church yourself and read the bible yourself or learned about Jesus yourself and his love that he has for you... for everyone! Sorry for blabbing on,but I am tired of seeing atheism overruling on this planet.I am 14 a strong believer in God and not ashamed to say it. :)I really hope this did not come across rude in any way, I know most of you are adults and must be thinking who does this girl think she is but it is time for the truth to come out!

  6. I agree with what she said at 9:09 PM I use to live near the Marolly's She and her family are very nice. They went to our church. I believe that what is happening there is true. Ditto to the girl before me and what she said.

  7. I felt the Holy Spirit invade my heart with his soft light. I feel Marie so close to me .I received so much help with this oil.
    I gave around me and the people received the holy spirit too. Thank you. God bless you. Thank you Lord.
    I recommend for all patients and I see the holy spirit act in these individuals.
    Praised be Jesus.
    God bless this family.

  8. At first I thought you were going to say the Jesus picture was made with dryer lint, which is an actual thing some people do.

  9. No worse than Drapeau's Hitler mustache.

  10. I have been here. It is all true. Make an appointment and go in faith. You will come away speechless as I did.

  11. Anonymous9:20 pm

    How do i get the adress ? please email

  12. Can i have maureen morally home address. I wanted to have some oil and im living in the Philippines.

  13. I visited the Morally home a 10 years ago. Still to this day use this oil which seems to replenish itself. I would very much need to visit them again. I do not remember their home phone number. Can someone please share.



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