Monday, December 18, 2006

The dish on Nish

Robin Nish is leaving town, moving to some small town in BC to become, as she puts it, a ski bum. Robin is a veteran executive of the local needletrade industry which was wiped out by NAFTA and has been leading the theatre course at the Thomas More Institute with little ol' me for five and a half years. We've seen over 120 plays together, some good others less so. She'll be replaced at least for the next little while, by Barry Cole who I also quite admire. The course this year has been a smash, we've had to limitthe number of participants to 30 although more wanted in. Several are taking the course for university credits and there are many very bright minds in the class. The photo of myself with Robin was taken by Alex Megelas, a socially committed community worker who also organized Wolf Parade. Many other equally accomplished and clever people grace the class. Anyway, as you can see Robin is holding a book called The Empty Space and indeed it will seem very much that way without her.

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