Thursday, September 06, 2007

MTC delivers cigar-shaped bus 3,000

After picking Door Number Three, Ol' Man Drapeau drove himself away in this BRAND NEW MONTREAL TRANSIT COMMISSION bus back in about '57. It was the three thousandth of its kind. They've all been turned into Dow cans since.


  1. Anonymous1:45 pm

    I love those old photographs. I guess Im a nut, because I can stare at old black and whites for hours sometimes (depending on how detailed they are).., I just get lost in a kind of mental time rift. Its breath taking.

  2. Anonymous2:01 pm

    Actually back then it was the Montreal Transportation Commission. Oh how things change...

  3. Anonymous8:34 pm

    Imagine the audacity of writing the salutation on the bus in English! The horror of it all! We must rise and defend the populace with our pitchforks!

    The FHTCQ (Quebec Public Transit Heritage Foundation) had tried to locate a CanCar/Brill for their collection...and did gain a 1952 model for restoration....which was then, in effect, "stolen" by Autobus Verreault Inc., where it had been in storage and in the midst of being repaired, under some sort of pretext of needing to be reimbursed for costs expended on it, in effect going back on their agreement to preserve it for the Association.

    A totally sordid state of affairs, and why I have recommended to my friends who charter buses to stay clear of Autobus Verreault and Autobus Inter-Cite on the South Shore. Not exactly ethical corporate citizens, and a direct opposite to the cooperation and assistance the FHTCQ receives from the STM.

  4. I'm old enough to remember riding in those when I was a kid. The windows lifted up and if you weren't careful they could flop down on your fingers.


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