Saturday, May 24, 2008

Beaucrats meet gardeners

Some kinda deal has been struck to allow the city to turn this empty lot at St. Andre and Ontario into a garden this summer. But city officials can't resist complicating things. So according to the sign on site, written in hardcore francobureaucratese, there will be a meeting on June 3 at 7 pm to discuss this idea - in other words, give the same old lunatic windbags that attend all these meetings another opportunity to waste everybody's time with unnecessary rants.


  1. Anonymous11:25 am

    "A garden? Not in my backyard. Those plants give off
    noxious fumes, and they attract all kinds of insects and
    animals. And either it will go to seed, or there will
    be all kind of people constantly working there to make
    it look good. Give me the beautiful hard concrete of
    Decarie Blvd before this abomination. If people want
    greenery, then let them have it in their backyard, not

    But seriously. Have they checked the soil to make
    sure it's not contaminated like many of the community


  2. Some of the soil that is deemed dangerous is safe, a child would literally have to sit around eating the dirt with a spoon for hours before being in any way affected by the lead content.

    Developers have to spend hundreds of thousands to clean soil that will be paved or otherwise forever unexposed to humanity. It's pretty crazy and discourages builders.

    The stringent soil standards are a scam for buddies in the provincial government who have environmental soil testing companies.


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