Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Q-name 'em baby!

This big time reigning starlet born in New Hampshire and raised in Fla was in town recently to watch the UFC fight involving Georges St. Pierre. Why? Well, she has a connection to Montreal and it's in the form of the neurotic blonde Montrealer also pictured. In fact she owes debt of gratitude towards the rather talented 33 year old whose career has been damaged by his debilitating handicap (and no, he's not blind).

Answer: Mandy Moore and James Renald, who quit as front man of local CanCon radio heroes Sky because he was apparently camera shy, although you wouldn't know it by watching his videos. If you've ever turned on Mix 96 you've undoubtedly heard Sky's Love Song which still gets played all the time even though it's well over a decade old, it's Canadian, radio stations are bound by Canadian content laws, and he's Canadian even though he left Outremont for Los Angeles in 1999. Say what you want, the lad has that rarest of talents, he can write a catchy pop song, a talent even some better known Montreal stars don't possess.

So Moore has hired him for his songwriting skills and it doesn't hurt to know that she'll get some heavy rotation in Canada. Her song Cry, penned by Renald, was a bigger hit here than in the States.


  1. Anonymous9:46 am

    mandy moore GSP's "alleged" girlfriend

  2. Anonymous4:17 pm

    Is that James Renald of Sky? Camera-shy guy?


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