Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Q- you can get this - what was this event?

Indeed this is H. Morenz's funeral in 1937. Nobody there knew that millions more young men - far more valiant than just a hockey player - would die in the war which was to start in a couple of years, so you'll have to forgive their overemphatic sense of tragedy.


  1. Howie Morenz’ funeral at the Montreal Forum in 1937.

  2. Anonymous4:51 pm

    Growing up, nothing scared me more than that haunting picture of Howie in his hospital bed, his eyes piercing the camera, just days before he died...

  3. I also have a link to La Patrie's tearjerking coverage of Vezina dying of tuberculosis in his Chicoutimi bed too but a sense of proportion prevented me from linking to it.


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