Thursday, June 12, 2008

1832 Pie IX

Next time you find yourself down at Pie IX near Ontario take a peek at this man's house. He was one of the city's most famous artists, and Italian, quite devout. You can surely guess his name.

Answer- Yes! We have a correct reply! That's the place where Guido Nincheri did his stuff. It's actually more likely where he worked. He lived on Pie IX as well, initially a little to the south, then a block or so to the north. He finally purchased the building in 1966.


  1. Anonymous9:52 pm

    Ah, the divine Guido Nincheri.

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  3. He worked downstairs, lived upstairs. Downstairs---the studio where Nincheri's stained-glass windows were created---has been kept intact by the family and is still exactly as it was in its heyday---like a time capsule. Guido's grandson is trying to find ways to preserve it for posterity before it's too late.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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