Friday, June 06, 2008

Robert Meredith, Montreal's murderous pimp

On November 21, 1971 Leonard Meredith, an American pimp living on Somerled in Montreal, beat a girl who was foolishly under his influence.

He was punishing her for not making enough money for him as a prostitute.
Rosann Nazlian, 21, came up with him from the Worcester, Mass., because she thought he loved her.

He beat in the usual way but went overboard. He beat her so badly that she died. That wasn't the plan really. He didn't have a car so he had to borrow one to dump her body on the south shore.

Two of his young female friends helped him put the body into the trunk of a station wagon which he had borrowed from a third young woman on Nov. 28, 1971.

Debbie Desmond, 17, was one of those who kept it hushed up.

Police found the poor girl's body in the snow

Finally, on February 21, 1972 Desmond did the right thing and reported Meredith to the police.

They found the body on Feb. 23 and Meredith plead guilty to manslaughter, saying that he had hit Nazlian when very drunk and tried to revive her, without success.

Meredith, an American who had repeatedly returned to Canada after being deported for various pimping-related charges, was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

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