Monday, June 02, 2008

Q-whose funeral?

In September 1964 Montreal witnessed its largest funeral since the Duplessis do five years earlier. The person being buried was not a politician, statesman, entertainer, hell, we're not even talking about a public figure, or even a man.
Clue: there's a little hint in the picture which suggests where this photo was taken. That should give you somethign to work with.
Clue 2: There were many, many photographers present taking shots of those in attendance. But the photographers weren't from newspapers, family, or magazines. Answer - YES! We had some excellent deduction in the comment section, including the ultimate correct response - it's the funeral of Rosa Michelotti-Cotroni, mother of the famous Montreal mob brothers Frank and Vito. The photo - judging by the vista at the end of the road - appears to be of the ultra-Italian Dante Street. Here's the newspaper report.


  1. Anonymous2:51 pm

    the death of the OLD forum?

  2. Anonymous3:10 pm

    no thats not it at all...retract please

  3. Anonymous4:51 pm

    I was going to say "a horse" but on reading
    the clues, you do say "person", but "not even a man".

    So it's a woman. I'd guess the wife or widow of a famous

    Apparently married women got full legal rights that year, so
    it could almost be the death of a male dominated society?


  4. Firstly - what street is it?

  5. Anonymous6:11 pm

    Machine Gun Molly?

  6. Mother of a mafioso? (Then the photogs would have been various police seeing which hoods showed up.)

  7. You're there! Gimme a name now.

  8. Anonymous9:43 pm

    well the street is Dante... :)


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