Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Quiz-who ????

What Montrealer moved here from Toronto at age 21 and lived here for 39 years as an accomplished but unremarkable academic before leaving town at age 60 to quickly become one of Europe's highest ranking and most decorated people?Answer - we have a correct reply. It's University of Montreal psychology prof Vaira Vike-Freiberga, who continued to dabble in Latvian cultural activities as an ex-pat here in Montreal and in 99 found herself drafted to be President of Latvia which she did until 2007. She's not personally responsible for the controversial language tests for citizens which came about in 1995. You can't get a passport unless you can speak Latvian, which some consider a sorta of cultural war against the Russian minority, meanwhile authorites have further stirring the pot by removing monuments to anything that smacks of Russian influence.


  1. Is it the President of Latvia? I'd have to Google her name, but she's a real Montrealer (of the transplanted variety)

  2. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga is the name - but she's no longer the President.


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