Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Damaged trees on Roy - who to blame - ?

The usually huggable Simon Dardick has grumpily snapped trees in front of his publishing empire on Roy Street. He says the damage is caused by careless snow clearance guys. There's a whole bunch like this. He figures the knocks will kill 'em. But me says that trees routinely get nibbled by little critters and develop such harmless holes in the bark even in places where they don't clear snow. Wherein lies the truth?


  1. Bambi Attacks City Trees!

    either there's a gang of raucous deer in the Plateau or it is indeed the snow removal jackasses.

    jackass isn't a cuss word is it?

    k. good.

  2. It looks like half of the inner bark is intact (on the back side of the tree) so I'd say the tree will survive

  3. I recently heard all these sidewalk trees die eventually because their pots can''t support them once they get too big.


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