Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bring back the boys of winter - a winter domed baseball league would fit here

Montreal lost a lot of its fun the Montreal Expos moved away under the nose of Mayor Tremblay. Now all we've got left is hockey and soccer. Even the soccer team has its problems. They're playing in a prestigious tournament. They're doing well.

But they have a game to play in February here in Montreal. So head over to the Olympic Stadium, right? No. The Olympic Installations Board has closed the place down for several winters because they think the roof could collapse under the weight of snow. The Big Owe roof held up to record snowfalls last winter, but it's still deemed unsafe.

The obvious solution is to pop an electric blanket atop the roof.

Tiny heated filaments would melt any frozen precipitation upon contact. The city could then buy a franchise in a newly-created baseball winter league to be played in domed stadiums and cities with hot winter climates. The league would have about 12 teams and play around 40 games per winter. Homer hitting steroid freaks welcome.

Any city with an underused dome would find use for its facility. Latin American countries would leap on the opportunity as well.


  1. Anonymous7:44 pm

    I still say the big money's in an ice cricket franchise.

    Montreal Yeti !!!! Yay !!!!

    Mr. Peabody

  2. Anonymous11:13 pm

    They already have winter leagues in Latin America, Hawaii, and Arizona. That said, why not just play the soccer game outdoors? The Habs did it in Edmonton...I'd love to see Montreal play against a team from Mexico or Honduras in February.

  3. The ladies' hats look like the ones that BK workers wore decades ago.


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