Thursday, March 19, 2009

Around 250 more days until city elections

For some reason Louise O’Sullivan, a former downtown city councillor cultivated and then spat out by Mayor Tremblay, is running for Mayor of Montreal. If nothing else, she sure writes a spicy little press release. Her most recent missive, denouncing Tremblay for those lunatic anti police riots, uses such neat-o terminology as "abhor, hooliganism, loose-cannons, blundering and pathetic." As in: "We abhor police brutality and equally abhor uncontrolled vandalism and hooliganism in our city.” Good thing she clarified that. Voters should know whether is for or against those things.

Meanwhile current downtown city councillor you've likely ne'er heard of, Karim Boulos, represents the old Bourque team, known as Vision. That party is led shakily by a guy named Benoit Labonte, who is apparently very shy. They aren't doing too well in the polls. Boulos, a serious brainiaque former swim coach, spun heads with his wizardry at the Concordia MBA program and has served ably as city councillor in an area where a staggering number of his predecessors have failed. Boulos, an empathetic and entertaining communicator might be the brightest mind in city hall, he'd make a kick-ass mayor. Here's his blog.


  1. Anonymous3:20 pm

    O'Sullivan? It's been a while since we've had an Irish mayor in this burg. Was Jimmy McShane the last one?


  2. Anonymous6:57 pm

    Why not check out the result the last time that Louise ran... as a Tory. Came 7th in a field of 5 candidates.

  3. Anonymous2:32 pm

    Tremblay should be on his way out. Please Montrealers NOT a 3rd term??!! He and his ponzi scheme sidekicks are a disgrace. I am crossing my fingers that change will come and that we will all be better off for it. Karim Boulos (Vision Montreal) offers fresh ideas, credibility (cannot find anything negative on the guy !).


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