Monday, March 23, 2009

Disband the Morality Squad

This impressive Montreal transvestite was photographed by Colin Gravenor in Montreal in the 1960s.
   Colin Gravenor had a bar called the Peppermint Lounge inside the Monument National on Main Street at Dorch. People came to dance The Twist.
   Gravenor owned the joint with veteran club owner Solly Silver. Eventually Gravenor bought the entire Monument Nationale building which housed the club and thus owned the famous heart of the Quebec francophonie for a short while.    Many were surprised that an Englishman from England had purchased the famous building. He sold it soon after.
   The Peppermint Lounge nightclub was short-lived for another reason: Gravenor refused to bribe police.
   Following Gravenors refusal to pay kickbacks, the cop squad raided the Lounge repeatedly without much reason until the clientele simply stopped coming.
   So youve got to forgive me when I wonder why the Morality Squad will aggressively tackle some files and totally ignore others.
   For example, check out this file from Laval where a bar called Champions was visited 39 times and closed down for what appear to be trivial transgressions.
   As you can see from the adjacent articles, virtually every crackdown the Morality Squad initiatives turns into a fiasco.
   The squad tried to bust strippers dancing with little caps covering their nipples. A judge thought that to be a total waste of time.
   They raided video store outlets but soon after it was determined that people should get to watch whatever adult dirty movies they want.They tried to bust a club owner for having a silhouette of a girl dancing in a window. That too was a doomed waste of time.
   I got a chance phone interview with a Morality Squad officer a few years back. He sounded frustrated. He admitted that the squad no longer does a whole lot and because nobody really wants them raiding clubs and tossing people in jail for having a good time. He spent a lot of time sitting in a cruiser doing nothing.

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