Monday, March 23, 2009

How to protect your normal dog from an onrushing canine beast

Last summer a tardy little douchebag on Oxford, kinda guy who got bullied as a kid and has now turned into a 30 year old idiot, kept allowing his pitbull out to run around the street and attack people. Then he would lie and claim that it simply wasnt his dog.

The neighbourhood was ready to tear this kid from limb to limb. Yet he persisted in allowing his large-jawed pooch out until an elderly Italian man got his arm almost gnawed off by the pitbull. The old man had picked up his small dog to protect him from the onrushing beast. The pitbull has since been euthanized.

So what do you do when a big dog attacks your smaller dog? Apparently its not such a rare scenario. According to the Cote St Luc website - one of the few island towns and boroughs that posts detailed descriptions of its council meetings - a pitbull recently killed a smaller dog in precisely such an incident. To quote the minutes:

Diane Jhang The resident recounted that on December 27, 2008, her mother was walking her small dog in Côte Saint-Luc which was viciously attacked by a pit bull. He (sic) then explained that shortly thereafter, her small dog was pronounced dead. She then stated that her neighbourhood is fearful because of the pit bull. Mayor Housefather explained to the resident that the police are presently handling the case appropriately and that patrolling in the area has been heightened.

I contacted local dog trainer Gaby Popper who has the following advice for those whose smaller dogs are facing attack from a larger onrushing dog.

The small dog owners instinct is to reach in there but I would say to them that using their body as a sheild between two animals that chew bones for fun is not a smart idea. Picking the small dog up makes him defenceless and is most likely to get you a masectomy that you didn’t ask for. Taking your shoe off and throwing it at him - or any such object - will separate them. That is your safest bet… making a loud noise could work too. Under no circumstances would I pick up the small dog.

And stay calm. the small dog owner usually freaks out and their stress causes the situation to erupt.


  1. Mandi3:25 am

    I have had a German Shepard attack & kill my previous dog and I refuse to let it happen again. Since then I have adopted a new yorkie & taking her for walks is petrifying! Why do owners let their huge aggressive dogs roam free? It's not safe for other dogs. From now on I carry a metal bat & I would use it to save my dogs life.

  2. Agreed. Call the cops immediately when you see a big dog without a leash.

  3. I love your blog and your book but Your Hate/views on bully breeds are misinformed and ignorant. As cliche as it is, there is no bad dogs just bad owners.

    People should read this article to learn about what pit bulls can teach us about profiling...

  4. PS: why put a photoshop picture of a big mean pitbull with your post?

  5. Anonymous8:19 pm

    from Steph, UK
    This is not about demonising pitbulls or any other dog that is capable of seriously wounding or killing another dog (or human). Temperament is irrelevant. Any dog can have a bad moment. But, when a little dog has a bad moment, it is very unlikely to result in serious injury or death. Since a recent, almost fatal, attack on my friendly little Shih Apso (by a pitbull), I walk the other way when I see any large dog.

  6. Anonymous11:18 am


    You reference Gaby Popper in yur blog. I had the misfortune of forking over 400$ for in home dog training in 2003. Contrary to his website he actually believes in physical training and after 2 sessions of him smacking my dog forcefully on the nose I asked him not to return and unfortunately lost all of my money.
    **Please beware of Gaby Poopers' abrasive training methods**




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