Monday, March 16, 2009

It's been 48 since Boom Boom's 50

As the Universite de Sherbrooke's Bilan du Siecle website points out, it was on this date in 1961 that Bernie "Boom Boom" Geffrion equaled Rocket Richard's record 50 season goals. It took Geffrion 64 games to do what Richard did in 50 games sixteen years before. Also on this day, work began on Bell Canada's Beaver Hall Hill HQ in 1928.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:31 am

    The most significant event that resulted from Boom Boom's 50 was that he got his autographed photo put up on the wall in Manny's Delicatessen on Queen Mary Road (not to be confused with the ill-fated Manny's Steak House around the corner on Decarie, which was built into an old parking garage...the business failed because Manny never knew who to pay off in order to get a liquor license...and without one no one showed up and he closed the doors).


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