Monday, March 30, 2009

Montreal incomes down $5/day against average

After holding their own for long long time, Montreal incomes (the green dotted line) have spent the past couple of years plunging below the psychological differential of $5 per working day, as compared to the per capita income of the average Canadian worker.

We now make about $5.11 less per day
(based on 250 working days) and take home $1,505 less than average on an annual basis.

If you want to see how dramatic the trend is becoming, just click on this
interactive graph and mess around with the buttons -- especially the one that lets you see the results for the past decade. Notice how the rates of personal income between Montrealers and their national counterparts have been peeling away from each other, especially for the past three to five years.

So what's up with that?


  1. Anonymous8:39 pm

    Remember that we get $7 a day daycare, more medical coverage under medicare and cheaper university tuition than many other parts of Canada. It evens out or even more...

  2. I thought as I read this that the $5 sounded a bit like the amount that daycare was supposed to cost, before the Liberals got it into their heads to divert the family allowance money back into cheques for families.

  3. Apple IIGS1:28 am

    ...and remember people living in Quebec are the HIGHEST taxed in North America. Medical coverage here is a joke, Quebec has the largest shortage of doctors in Canada, treatment, funding and care is like that of a 3rd world country, and we don't have ambulance paramedics! (only place in the world where they're glorified taxi drivers!). Bah, evens out my foot..

  4. Anonymous7:08 pm

    Daycare costs $50/day/child. We the taxpayers of Quebec get to pay $43 a day daycare per child whether we use it or not.
    And the Medicare rationing board doesn't see fit to cover helicopter ambulances for trauma patients unlike the rest of the western world due to the $6000/hr cost. This province is screwed up!


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