Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Montreal's stock of round houses rises to 1 falls back to zero

In the early 50s an immigrant named Francois Mayor built a round house in the east end on Victoria between Laurendeau and Broadway. It was considered a local landmark and got a ton of attention. He insisted that inspectors didn't even visit during the construction because they knew he'd do such a great job building a house that would last for a long time. Somewhere along the line the building disappeared without much fanfare.


  1. Anonymous3:24 pm

    There's a round house in Chateauguay, with an odd orange dome on the roof.

  2. Anonymous3:27 pm

    Was it converted to a Petro-Can storage tank?


  3. As long as we're talking about round buildings, Riverdale High in Pierrefonds has a round building. It's larger than it looks in the satellite photo in the link below. I think it's the school's gymnasium?,+Quebec,+Canada&sll=49.877226,-119.489723&sspn=0.010675,0.017231&ie=UTF8&ll=45.509693,-73.824225&spn=0.002902,0.004308&t=h&z=18

  4. Jean Naimard1:59 am

    Sure there is still a round house in MontrĂ©al… Two, in fact.

    First of all, there is the CP roundhouse in St-Luc yard:,-73.673691&sll=45.467354,-73.673691&sspn=0.00177,0.003272&ie=UTF8&ll=45.467354,-73.673691&spn=0.00177,0.003272&t=k&z=19&iwloc=A

    And this one on Henri-Bourassa at the corner of Ste-Colette:,-73.623958&sll=45.605027,-73.62395&sspn=0.001766,0.004292&ie=UTF8&ll=45.60502,-73.623958&spn=0.001766,0.003272&t=k&z=19&iwloc=A

  5. Thanks. Let me amend it to say our stock of round houses.

  6. Anonymous3:22 pm

    The Tohu circus theatre is round.


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