Monday, May 25, 2009

Short shorts: The thigh's the limit

Shtop shnickering! Short shorts are back for men. That is, if you can believe Now magazine (May 13-20 edition), from Toronto -- which always has the last word on things sartorial. (Stop, stop! You're killing me. - Chimples.) But dare you go as high as Freddy Mercury, seen singing Another One Bites the Dust during Queen's one-and-only filmed performance, at the Montreal Forum in 1981?


  1. I wish I could wear shorts like that.

  2. Oh Gawd...please say it ain't so!

  3. Anonymous10:39 am

    I think it was 1982 or even 1983, I remember good old Coco (Douglas Leopold) sniggering on CHOM-FM about how there were strippers "performing" backstage for the band (except Freddie who wouldn't leave his dressing room).
    BTW, Kristian, have you got anything about Coco in your archives ?

  4. During those years Montreal gossip journalism attracted bright young Jewish men - Doug Leopold, Tommy Shnurmacher, Andy Nulman, Stephen Cojocaru, etc. How that enthusiasm has been zapped. This city is now an old age home. The rave clubs have closed, the ball team has moved, even Musiqueplus has laid off a lot of its staff. All that's left in Montreal is a buncha old fogeys sewing buttons onto their cardigans. The only people with enthusiasm here are the animal rights loons and the bike path environmental nutcases. Someone has to try to reignite a little dynamism in this town.

  5. Anonymous5:28 pm

    Tommy Shnurmacher, I remember him way back when he was a fixture on Douglas Leopold's 'talk show' on some very underground cable channel that also had 'videos' of Montreal bands like the 222's and short films by Concordia film students. It was filmed from Coco's appartement in Old Montreal and was quite fun. Ah, the good old days ...

  6. Anonymous6:47 pm

    special invitation join the friends Douglas Leopold Facebook.


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